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This version has focused a lot on improvements. For example, all characters now have support for the anal pull feature. But there are also two completely new features - heads now move together with the view in POV mode, and edit mode has a new mirroring tool. The latter is a pretty huge improvement in terms of posing efficiency and enjoyment, so we're stoked to see how it will affect your interactions!

Full release notes




In other news, users have been able to run Yiffalicious on both the newest Oculus runtime, as well as on Steam VR (Vive). For more information regarding this, please visit these links down below.





(Forum post regarding Revive

We hope you'll enjoy this iteration of Yiffalicious!




Made a comment, didn't realize it didn't work with old animations, everything's cool now. great update, the mirroring tool is super handy, and the new skin widens the range of what ladies can do without body horror. all in all, great update! thanks!


Woooooo update! More improvements and awesomeness!


If you're referring to the mirroring tool - it should work with any interaction, old and new alike. Thanks! You are welcome!


Interesting how I have no particular inclination toward yiff and yet this + Cathouse Tale are the only two sex sims I have to look forward to :P Awesome job guys!


btw how's the dragoness coming along?


Keep it up guys!! I will keep being a patron to you guys as long as it takes to get yoiur progect dream to be a reality.


I originally posted this on the forums, but I think I should have actually put it here. I have been using Yiffalicious in VR across multiple HMD platforms since before even the initial support of VR, first with hacked solutions like Cardboard/GearVR+Riftcat/Tridef/Trinus, etc turning a phone gyro set into mouse drags, and then with the Oculus and Vive recently. Unfortunately I have a fairly major complaint that is embarrassing to write about, but that I hope will be addressed. Yiffalicious, presently, is the most realistic VR adult application in existence.. Nothing else even comes close to it, but there is one absolutely fatal flaw across every HMD I have tried, which makes it impossible to use it for sexual gratification short of a few very specific scenarios. When pressing F8 to recenter the view in Yiffalicious, it only recenters on the Horizontal plane, but NOT the Vertical.. While this is normal and expected behaviour from almost every HMD SDK, and totally fine for almost any other game, it is completely unsuitable for a sex game. Due to the fact there is no way to center the Vertical plane, there is no way to masturbate in VR using Yiffalicious short of standing up in the middle of your room with a towel infront of you, or sitting straight up in your chair, both of which, frankly, are awful and uncomfortable. You simply cannot enjoy a scene in VR in this game while reclining to any degree without nearly touching your chin to your chest to focus on the action, and lying down is completely out of the question unless you enjoy masturbating to ceiling lights or a fan. While seated, its almost equally a problem because most men, and certainly most women as well, have a tendency to recline backwards in their chair for an optimal position.. All of which results in ceiling-gazing, or staring down so hard that you give yourself a neck cramp. -Please- fix this, guys, and spend more time with your DK2 or Vive actually enjoying the fruits of your labor so you have a better understanding of the ergonomics necessary to enjoy something like this in VR.. A sex game is a very unique type of VR experience that has very different requirements from other sitting or standing experiences, and you guys are absolutely at the forefront of the VR sex experience. Set an example for what is very much a new frontier, this game is the flag-bearer right now -- I'd know, I've tried almost everything that has been released. This is what the VR adult community has been waiting for (well, at least those of us who are furries.. the human/anime girl crowd is still stuck with utter garbage), and all it really would have taken was one genuine session testing it to realize something was wrong. The fact its been releasing like this for months since you got a DK2 is disheartening because it leads one to believe you guys don't actually make use of your project as end-users instead of just developers, which is always a bad sign in gamedev.