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After  a lengthy time going through pros and cons, we've decided to try to push on of what we have done up to this point by giving the dragons wings. 

This will give them a pair of extra limbs that will take a slight longer time to rig and skin, but we firmly believe that it will be worth it as it adds up to the fidelity of their character.

Texture is still very WIP, but we have also other materials in mind for her such as gold-scale textures and, hopefully, translucence!




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Shadow Drake

Dam she is looking dam divine. =) I do wonder... with the wings are you thinking of working them with points like the new tails or as a slider to have them open and close? If your going for the slider can I suggest keaping the wings 'arms' working like normal arms as they gives us lots of options with moving the wings around =)


Is it technically possible to implement a toggle to turn the wings off if we prefer that?

Dark Sunrise

As neat as "realistically" sized wings are, I feel these are just really too much. You couldn't ever get them fully open indoors, and even when folded up, they're just so massive that they'd always be in the way. But other than the size, I feel wings would be an interesting and welcome addition.


I'm all up for wings, but the size of those things..... Damn 0.0


Very interested in how this will be rigged. It looks like you will have a larger version of 'hand posing' with those wing fingers. As great as the wings look I'm skeptical at how they are going to look in interactions, static, without the key framing tech. Once the key framing is in place, this is going to be awesome.


Very nice! Love the wings and almost everything so far. Her butt seems a bit too muscly if I said that correctly. Sure she is meant for athleticism but in every area, at least areas like there, just doesn't seem right; haven't seen such a thing. disregarding my last edit;, it's actually an interesting idea to have the wings as humanoid arms, was this something you thought of based off wings and bat facts or something you've seen before? Really awesome!


I like her. Have you thought about having just the wings as arms? Like Smaug from The Hobbit films. Might be an interesting look.


beautiful, and sexy! can't wait to ram her! ;P


Also, can you make her tits more round? lol


I like her as she is. :3 And those wings are really cool!


that is quite a glorious sight to behold. I'm curious, what kind of joints can we expect to see in those wings?


The wings are cool but they do seem abit too big for posing purposes


Absolutely lovely!


the wings look kick ass on her


as in really good


Love the wings, but have you thought of making them detachable?