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Continuing, doing a base shape and adding blendshapes that will give users optional control on the hips, butt and other aspects on him. 





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I like to give foxboys a good bashing from time to time as well if you catch my meaning


There we go... still scrumptious despite the red rocket. ;)


<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u5HOt0ZOcYk" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u5HOt0ZOcYk</a>


If options mean changing from the older model (big hip and butt) to this version and the in between then holy cheese it would be perfect


His dick should be smaller. Femboys don't need big dicks. :I


And just like that you managed to allow users to choose precisely how much (and in what places) feminime/masculine they want him to be... Magnificent. It does look like the butt-expansion thingie seems to be bound to the hips-expansion thingie but that's probably just caused by the preview being precisely that: A preview. The neck still seems a bit too long even though you fixed the neck/chest seam but at this point I've already gotten used to it. Also, the ears should be a bit closer to the back of the head but that's a tiny nuance few people will notice.


Maybe a bit smaller than the wolf's penis? While femboys don't *need* "big" dicks, many people like femboys to be the "top" (penetrating) so they might want one.


I love this This is like, all I need Except maybe a feminine hairstyle


Its looking great now! :D On the "Junk" why not have two versions of the older one you had that was much smaller without the knot? i really loved that one myself, also having the other one is awesome to! And I love how you went with the older looking fox! ^-^ And being able to adjust sizes on the body!


wonderful, i love the extra choice you've offered us, since we all have our own different preferences.


love it^^


brilliant it will satisfy everyone now

Shadow Drake

Looks like it is working well... can easily see this working for others in the future, if it stays stable n don't break anything :P N it looks like you got the shape basicly spot on, going to be fun seeing this guy in action ^.^


Everytime you fellas have to make a creative decision you come up with something like this and reaffirm my faith in what you guys do &lt;3 Yes to more freedom for the end-user!


The neck still looks a bit odd, can't quite put my finger on why. Other than that, looking great. Hopefully he'll have a nice big belly inflation option.


Great work! Though, I think it'd look a little better if the head were just a skosh bigger and the neck a little shorter. One last thing. I'm pretty sure I saw this asked before but is there any chance the first version's dick will be available as an alternate?