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Did a fast iteration after reading the first set of feedbacks I've gotten, it's easy to turn a blind eye to the features that defines a femme boy.

Let me hear what you think.




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I'm the wrong person to have involved in a conversation on how much hips is enough. I say work with the wider one and see how it goes.

Dark Sunrise

Eh, IMO now the hips look cartoonishly wide compared to the rest of him. The head's a definite improvement, though.


the smaller snout certainly does work, and the head maybe, although it does edge on being disproportionately big. Bigger butt is deffo a win, but I'm of two mids when it comes to those hips. Overall looking good.


I'm liking those hips a lot! Maybe give him a little more thigh action too?


I like this new approach to the hip; it resembles the other female models in the game in respect to over-exaggerated girth and softness. You're getting there to being more feminine. I believe the ribs and and waists can be slimmed a little bit more so that they wouldn't look anatomically incorrect. Maybe adding the ribs a little bit more meat and slim down the hip a tiny bit because if done more he would lose his feminism (which you nailed it). It's just the upper torso looks out of place with the lower portion of the body: they look like someone put two Lego pieces together. Keep the hips and thighs girth.

Noh Bhodie

Looks great! Is this one going to have butt inflation, or will it stick with the standard male options?


He's a bit too hippy, but I also like a hippy femboy. But I really liked the OG cock so much more. :(


It's definitely better (imo). Though I'd have to agree with Dark Sunrise. Maybe balance the two. Like in the second pic, it looks like you narrowed the midriff and widened the hips but it might look better if you had just kept the first midriffs width and then adjusted the hips. Love the head changes. Lastly, she might wanna do some crunches or lay off the muffins cause they're going straight to her gut. (Incredible response time btw).


Hopefully it will not be too far in the future were we'll implement code that makes it possible to swap various sorts of cocks in real time in the app. -Dogson


Right, the problem here is to try to balance various preferences from users whom wishes for certain features on the characters that are conflicting, The head new head design get's to stay but I'll keep iterating more on the body that hopefully will balance the various feedbacks (although it's really hard, so there will have to be compromises later, most likely) More to come tomorrow, I need to sleep now Thanks for the imputs! -Dogson


I dont understand why all the characters hips are so wide. Can we have an option to have smaller hips?


another vote for shrinking the hips a bit. his ass will still look big if people zoom in ;3


neck seems a bit long


To find the "correct" proportions, I suggest imagining him walking. The thighs on the right-side version demand a different type of a gait compared to the shin/calf and ankles on the same version. That is way less aparrent on the left-side version. What you could do to mitigate this effect is to make the upper body (mainly the shoulders and the chest), the shin/calf and the ankles wider. Or you could use proportions closer to the left-side version rather than the right-side version. I would keep the head, though. It looks a lot better bigger like that with the smaller snout, IMHO.


I actually removed that from my original post here because I felt it didn't belong there... I agree with you. Currently, the length of the neck along with the weight of the head would destabilise the neck which would cause him to slouch forward - starting at around the upper back.

Spazzle Dusky

I prefer a more subtle girly boy. Lithe, pretty face, nice cute little butt and a big bushy tail. Not a big fan of the child birthing hips. Though I'm also pretty okay with the bigger butt>.> Though keep in mind that everyone's preference is different. Maybe make the differences a skin option? Or create a "Femme - Girly" button for this character? For those that like the difference and those that like the in-between. Just a suggestion ^.^ Great work on the game thus far, keep it up!


This exactly! Half of the point of voting was asking for different character body types, instead of many more similar ones. The previous iteration of the femboy fox was MUCH better, slowly this is just turning into the bunny model but with a fox head


how i think a fem boy should look like, general lithe build with wider hips but the tights on the left example are way to wide the thing that should pop is the hip bone like on this pic <a href="https://e621.net/post/show/820473/anthro-armor-bandage-black_nose-blush-bonk-brown_f" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://e621.net/post/show/820473/anthro-armor-bandage-black_nose-blush-bonk-brown_f</a> . the but on the right example is perfect, one of the main features of a male build is triangular chest so when designing femboy make sure to avoid that, maintain flowing soft form, wider face, higher brows, bigger ears and sharper eyes. In your example the face on the right looks a lot more feminine then the face on the left. Also the neck is way to long and to thick. Oh i almost forgot fill all the muscle and skeletal definition with femme fat avoid sharp transitions. I hope it helps.

Shadow Drake

He is looking really good, both styles do seam to work. The overall body on the new looks better, though I would have to say that the hips are a bit on the overkill side, I would say getting the hips n but smaller would work and for those who want the bigger parts, Maybe give inflation to the butt and a separate inflation to the hips? That way you would be hitting at more body shapes in terms of what others are wanting?


he looks really great i love it^^ keep it up its awesome :D


Try to restrain yourself from making premature assumptions, Segway. Nothing is set in stone here, I'm keeping the head, the body will be slimmed down in further iterations. -Dogson


Sorry that wasn't a very constructive comment, I thought I fixed it in an edit but I guess I didn't take. Either way what I was trying to say is that seems like a simple ass and hips slider would make everyone happy when it comes to fembois.


Thank you for considerations. I understand that you, Dogson, enjoy certain body types and it makes it difficult to design to others preferences. If I may make another suggestion, maybe in the future you could look at hiring on another team member who isn't so aligned to enjoy the same body styles.


Again, assumptions. The first characters was made with Odes input how he wished how they would look. The two other characters also after the guidelines and wishes from the commissioners. I am actually looking forward to doing slender and/or normal body types and the way forward is to do blend shapes that will let the users control the mass and width of the body. I hope these facts will bring closure to your concerns. -Dogson