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As previously stated, the 0.5 cycle is focused on polish. Our most recent improvement is the integration of better transform gizmos. These new ones behave a bit more closely to what you might expect of a professional 3D editing app. You are now able to move an object in 2 dimensions simultaneously, using the intermediate square between two arrows. You can also rotate an object freely, using the sphere that makes out the rotation gizmo. In addition to this, you're also able to rotate an object according the the current viewport (outer circle). Furthermore, as you can see, the gizmos correspond better to mouse input. One of the most common criticisms we used to get was that the move tool felt weird and lacked precision. These new gizmos should hopefully offer a better editing experience.



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Can't wait to try these out after work :D

Dark Sunrise

Is it possible to have a feature that allows BOTH move and rotation gizmos to be on at once? I mean, as 3D modelers, I'm sure at least a few of you use them constantly, and having to toggle between each tool over and over when making slight adjustments is a huge pain. Not to mention, as a modeler myself, I find having both gizmos constantly active to be a HUGE time saver, and they virtually never get in the way of each other. IDK, it's just a suggestion.


I laughed super hard at that vid there.


I'm a professional 3D artist, and having both gizmos active at once would probably cause more problems than it would solve. Use hotkeys, it literally only takes a fraction of a second to switch between move and rotate.


so been looking forward to those two-dimensional translation controls. do these controls only apply to the center node, or can the be used with any of the anchor nodes?


Wiggle wiggle wiggle~♪♫

Dark Sunrise

I do use hotkeys 90% of the time, and rarely touch the gizmos. The thing is, Yiffalicious is almost purely gizmo-based, and simply combining the two in such a way that they won't interfere with each other instead of having to use hotkeys to switch between modes would make it simpler to use. For example: <a href="http://wiki.blender.org/uploads/thumb/3/32/Addon_Manipulator_Menu.png/180px-Addon_Manipulator_Menu.png" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://wiki.blender.org/uploads/thumb/3/32/Addon_Manipulator_Menu.png/180px-Addon_Manipulator_Menu.png</a> You can turn on/off whichever gizmos you want to be together. (Ex. Rot and Translate. which is the combination I was requesting.) This setup never gives me problems, and allows access to each axis easily, independent of angle. (Well, except for the scale cubes, which can get in the way of the others,(and which I always use the hotkey for anyways, and Yiffalicious would not need.)) Sure, maybe you would prefer switching with hotkeys, and that's completely fine. I'm just saying that having the option for those who prefer to use another way would be appreciated.


Since this gizmo allows free rotation, they cannot be combined. (Blender does not allow free rotation using gizmo when combination is used.)

Shadow Drake

This is looking really promising =)

Dark Sunrise

Huh. I hadn't noticed the free rotation thing; But that's generally accessed in Yiffalicious through the inner ring of the Gizmo, isn't it? In Blender it's only accessed through hitting the rotate hotkey twice (and probably a menu somewhere, but I use the hotkeys), not through the gizmo, whether or not combination gizmo is used doesn't change this. I don't mean to argue, but I just don't see why that couldn't just be an option.

ryu lee

nice! I hope it doesn't like freeze on me when I move 2 character like its doing it right now in 0.5.0b version.


what happens if water gets on the gizmos or if we feed them after midnight?


I don't think that's a good idea... Keep a bright light nearby, just in case something like that accidentally happens.


hey can you add a transform gizmo to the head so that it can be positioned properly ?