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Hey all, we're interested in hearing what kind of head we could start working on for our August release. We're keeping it simple by having just 8 of the most popular species in our poll. Of course, once the most voted head gets started with it will be pulled from the next run of poll we're doing next month and be replaced by a new one.



Could we get an interaction update instead of more character updates? The characters are great but there's not much to do with them yet. There are plenty if great submissions from members of the community so having default characters could come in a later update!


Interaction updates are mostly coding, so Odes handles that while Dogson works on new models in the meantime. Odes does the rigging of the models, though, but I'm not sure how much of his time and effort that part of the process eats up.


Personally, I'd like to see avian heads, since that's the one major animal kingdom we don't have anything for yet, so Raptor Bird gets my vote, as that will also allow for the creation of griffins and hippogriffs as well.


I see your interest, however as an interest for the general community im guessing most people would like to see and advance in tech over and advance in models or skins. But thats just my opinion. Cheers!

Nutty Mr Gecky

I don't think the person who makes the model is the same one who work for the tech so not doing one will not make the other go faster. I personally hoping for vr someday but haven't see anything it that regard. I'm still giving each month to support the project but like I've lost major interest in the character creator many months ago. The tech there is more than enough to be interesting imo. I'm guessing they are already working on interaction and stuff but that it's not ready yet to show. Or at least I hope so.


You have both a wolf and finn already, I think you got


the big canine already covered. Maybe if you opted for different dog breeds or a size scalier for the models.

Drak Drake

Lawl, as soon as I saw the first entry I knew how this was gonna end. I threw my vote away on rodents. It was between that and the bird head, for me.

Drak Drake

I would ask that you guys put a hold on canines after this, if not throw that option out of this vote, too. You're still in the early stages of YL2, you should be focusing on variety of kingdom or class or something for models rather than placating all the canines out there. I love myself a doggo, but when you only have a handful of options for heads to begin with, two of then shouldn't be nearly identical.

Serge Bybin

too many dogs... make something different


I'm voting for Raptor/Bird, gotta branch out a bit so to speak.


I mean i'm gonna vote for mice but i know how this is gonna go. i just hope we eventually get them even if they don't poll well. Love all the stuff you're doing though! it's fun to use even as is and i can't wait to see more of it.


Bear is not on the list but they should be not many or none in other yiff games. so there is that. could have a female and male, but definitely a male. sharks are also not on the list but having two penises might be challenging a concept to conceptualize.


Damn you guys (You Voters)! We can already make wolves and stuff! Were da birds at?!? Oh well il wait. PS, huh... I also gave my votes to birds and rodents.


Wues6ion if canine wins thgis poll, dont you mean bodies as you only need to create female versions of the wolf and dog? you wont need to make different heads just some body modifications?


Hmm not seeing a option for sharks anywhere...ohh well birds and rodents it is