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Doing iterations directly in our app is really helpful for me to develop the head further then when we were in development before Christmas of 2019.

This got me thinking though about templates. Templates are there to help users kickstart their creativity and characters.. but.. perhaps the very basic color and lack of mask and more elaborate parts just isn't really that great nor fair for users with less aptitude for self driving editing and creativity and that just want to grab a anthro character and start?

I'd be happy to put down more work on future templates such as this fox one but I'd also like to hear from our more advanced users too if they also wouldn't mind a more elaborate templates with a preset of colors and masks or they much prefer a "tabula rasa" ?

Maybe we can split it of to Templates and a new sort of premade character named "Basic" (work in progress title) these basics will not be listed as derivatives once you upload them, of course.

Let me hear your thoughts on this.




Anon Anonson

More advanced templates would be nice with things like mouth and teeth texture masks already in place.


For me. I prefer the templates, but ready made would be very helpful for others who dont know as much as I do


"Templates" are useful for advanced creators who simply want a canvas to start with. I think "Basics" as you describe them would be very useful for new creators who would find it useful to scour the outliner and understand how the sausage is made. But I think the utility of "Basics" is somewhat offset by the fact that you can now just load any character and see how it was made.


More advanced templates would definitely be far more helpful, especially to those of us who struggle to obtain assets to use in app, because textures are difficult.😕 It would also help new users to become more familiar with how different parts of the app work. (What does Albedo mean??) So I'm gonna say the advanced templates.🤘


The things ng I think I most struggle with is the mouth and teeth. Other parts can be shaded and modified with procedural masks, but since the mouth has such specific parts with defined borders, it pretty much necessitates exporting the model to blender and doing a custom texture. I'd love to see some advanced templates that include even just those as a baseline so that I don't have to worry about fiddling with Blender for them.


We're gonna implement masks that select mouth and teeth, similar to areola mask. - odes


as a newer user, I joined just before yl2 dropped, i would appreciate more advanced base models. would also like it because I'm a truck driver and don't have a lot of time to make intricate models myself. love the cloud and everything I'm seeing so far, keep up thr good work.


The more templates the better. As OIF FOBit mentioned, some of use don't have a lot of free time.

Cass. Wyvern

Just started using YL2, kinda new to this kind of thing in general. Some ready made models sound helpful to look through actually.


Isn't this what Derivatives is for? I even made it possible to download all of the assets that I use for others to use (PM me on the forums if anyone is interested). People already have used some of my characters, dont know why there needs to be a super complex template. Ive only been using those empty templates, and im sure most people use empty templates as well. When I first started, I took a gander on the bunny. No uploads or anything, it was just to learn. I then realised empty templates were better.


Do you derive other people characters? If not, why not?


I think more advanced template could indeed be a cool idea, but one thing I have noticed is that although there is SOME tutorials available directly in-game that open in your browser, there seems to be lacking some for things like, custom textures, how masks work, how to use mask to modify shapes and such. I have also checked on the forums, and, even though by searching a bit you can find some, there isn't a category that has been created for tutorials, both from the developpers and/or other users. I think this could help out a lot to learn, for those who are just getting started at texturing and also some tutorials on how to use those said advanced templates could be really useful, if they become a thing.


Might I suggest gradually having Charlotte and the rest of the YL1 cast along with any other characters you want join Bunny and Lyra as the "main" characters of YL2? They can be the "basic" templates while still having the plain blank templates for the advanced users. Then there's the cloud full of other peoples creations that we can just load, study and eventually use.


Will there be a Mac version of YL2?


Not currently planned but it might happen at some point. We're using a lot of DX11 features and we don't have a mac to test on, so that complicates things.


I did make a template uv layer for people on the post. Have to add new parts to it when I get home but it does help mark all areas that can be painted or nose or teeth or eyesockets or any other parts. Just have to use a painting software and use it as a base. It marks all the vert to make a outline you can use to follow on your toon your making.


Diving in for the first time I was proficient with YL1 and YL2 I found a bit overwhelming. I'd love to have a couple of "template" characters not just for being able to quickly do "fox that is a fox" but also to see how a character is properly built.


There are "templates" which can be the current grey, stripped-down blank slates we have now, and there can be "prefabs" which are more-or-less finished characters which can be further tweaked and built upon.


Im going to try this