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We've been wanting to change the way our patron tiers work for quite some time now, and we figured it's about time we did something about that. There are several planned changes, but we're starting slow with changes to the lowest tier ($3).

From now on onwards, all WIP content (except builds) that can be made public on Patreon, will be. Any content containing nude imagery will be set to patrons only (in accordance with Patreon's rules), but won't have a tier set (i.e. any patron can view it).

We're also going to start posting updates on twitter!

A lot of furries seem to use twitter for sharing content, so it makes sense if we have a presence there (I'm completely new to twitter btw). I've posted some WIP content there already, so be sure to check that out!

Follow me on twitter here:


You can also follow dogson here:


The tiers will remain, but the rewards will be different.

$3 Tier

  • Gain vote access to polls on Patreon.
  • Receive 3 suggestion votes on the cloud platform (in app).
  • Your amount of OwOs on the cloud platform is set to 3 every month (unless you already have more).

$12 Tier

  • Gain access to WIP builds.
  • Gain vote access to polls on Patreon.
  • Receive 12 suggestion votes on the cloud platform (in app).
  • Your amount of OwOs on the cloud platform is set to 12 every month (unless you already have more).

$30 Tier

  • Get your name mentioned in Yiffalicious (1) build. (We're planning on adding a name list for YL2 as well.)
  • Gain access to WIP builds.
  • Gain vote access to polls on Patreon.
  • Receive 30 suggestion votes on the cloud platform (in app).
  • Your amount of OwOs on the cloud platform is set to 30 every month (unless you already have more).

More changes will be announced later, when we are closer to having a more complete experience in YL2.

Thank you for reading!


Dragon King Development

I would patron if 1$ for builds. Hard to support multiple creators if they want high $ amounts. Rather than 30 every month (3 times the amount I pay for full games) I can do what I do now and support 23 creators for 23 $ total.


Seems to be the way to go more and more dev now have a tier for fill have of 20$ its getting insane then i can only support 1 to 2 if i have to pay 20 a month for get a full game.


I honestly hope you guys get as much exposure as possible! Your collective effort must be recognized, you have an absolute killer app in the making here! People just gotta see what you're doing...


At least your tiers are modest, and reasonable. There's a creator out there, won't say who because reasons, who's highest tire is almost $300 a month. I would never pay that much for content, I mean really that's more than my car payment. Here's hoping you get far more exposure, you've got an awesome thing going and I'm happy to be supporting it.


Well, know that Im a fan of theirs. I think their prices are realistic. You get builds at 12$ not 30. And, they made YL1 for free which was locked behind Patreon before.