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What could it be?!.. A.. Giraffe!

We're really happy we finally solved this one, this issue with necks has been gnawing on us for quite a while how we could get Maya the Giraffe in at some point, but we've solved it now.

Implementing giraffe was challenging because it required custom rigging and skinning for the neck. Up until this point, head models in our system could not affect the body, but with the introduction of giraffe, we've made changes that allows us to change the body rig and skinning (neck) for specific parts. This is great, because it adds a lot more versatility to our system, and we don't need to feel hindered by technical limitations.

So Maya will come along with this release. It's going well but we'll need a couple of more days to wrap things up so we can release more goodies for you all.




Awesome. Just plain awesome.

Serge Bybin

thats good, def better then yet another k-9 lol


Nice surprise we've got here. You planning on making it possible to mix-and-match different necks to different heads, by the way? I'm thinking this giraffe neck would, with a bit of shortening, make for a good equine neck as opposed to the standard, far too short one that comes with the current equine head. Even with the bones edited to max length, it still ain't quite what it should be.


Sweet. Maya was what got me to become a patreon in the first place. So happy to see her back.^//3//^


Oh, this is lovely! Maya was definitely my favorite from YF1. Giraffes can be made so pretty...




Hold the F on! Her eyes are looking at a different direction...