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  • Bovine2.mp4



Okay so we think this could work well after we've fixed eye and  tongue  errors. The mesh handles the deformation quite well and this should work for even more future variations.
We named the tweak shape "realistic" for now since we couldn't come up with a more proper name for it. You can view the attached video for better demonstration of the shape.




Well now, that's a pretty good implementation, nice and flexible. Should offer something for everyone, whatever their desired degree of realism. Personally, I think around 0.65 on the scale will do nicely for an idea I have in mind. Thank you kindly for going the extra mile, I'd say it was very much worth the effort.


will there also be utters? lol

Nutty Mr Gecky

I think realistic work well in this scenario but may not work if you implement it with more fantastical being. Sadly, I don't have any better idea to offer... Still, this is a pretty cool tool with great models <3.


I love the options