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Hi all,

We hope you're staying safe in these trying times of global crisis.

This has been a very weird month for me (odes), and this will be a pretty weird post. But screw it!

I recently finished watching Beastars on Netflix, and to say it had an impact on me would be a monumental understatement. It caused me to have a complete emotional breakdown, making me question everything about myself and the decisions I've made in my life. It's weird, because up until watching it I felt like I had everything in my life figured out and under control. But after seeing it, I was left with feelings of doubt, regret and confusion.

In conjunction with this, I've been battling an acute gastritis (probably in part caused or at least made worse by the emotional distress described above). I don't know if you've ever had something like it, but it is terrible! You literally can't eat, even though you're really hungry, and that hunger makes it impossible to sleep too. I think it goes without saying, but working in that condition was simply not possible for me. Luckily, I'm feeling a lot better now, and slowly but surely I've been able to resume eating normally again.

This whole event has acted as a sort of reset for me and I've been doing a lot of introspection as of late. The truth is, I have a ton of problems in my life that I've been running from since forever. What Beastars did to me was bring those problems to light in a way that made it impossible for me to continue, and working on this project has been the only thing keeping my life together. I'm still in the process of working out all of this, but I know I can't run any longer. I'm currently in the process of talking with a psychologist, and I think I'm getting a clearer picture of what I need to do to set my life in order.

So what does all this have to do with YL2? Well, going through all this has prevented me from putting in the hours I had originally planned, meaning the cloud service still isn't where it needs to be before we can launch an alpha of it. I've managed to resume working on it though, and it's coming along well, but it's going to take some more time before it's ready.

Luckily, Dogson has been hard at work creating new content for this release that I think you'll be excited about! You can see it in the pictures above or by clicking the link below:

>>> Click here to see the release notes <<<

We hope you will enjoy this release despite it being focused solely on new content once again.

Please give dogson the credit he deserves for saving this month!

Thank you for reading and remember to stay safe!

All the best.

- Yiffalicious crew




As long as you're ok, that's more important. Happy to have an update, don't push yourself too hard.


It's okay to just take a break and deal with life, shit really does happen sometimes. I'm glad your forward with this and hope you feel better soon!


You guys are like 2-3 people working on this amazing app. I personally have been loving it and am still amazed at how this all still works and functions better than most things Ive seen, ofcourse we should not matter as much when RL stuff happens. I hope you figure out whatever it is that plagues you, I am actually kind of glad to be given weird or bad news, and I fully support you guys!


Dude work on whatever you need to, you're a great creator and I'm sure no one would mind waiting for you to figure out the best course of action for your health, you've done too many amazing things to let go of keeping yourself alive and happy!


Good, it means you are changing. Will you take ur fate in to your hand or will you choose to cower like many ? Arise from ashes anew.


You guys are the ones who need to remember to take of yourselves! We'll still be here for you, waiting willingly and patiently. also, Beastars huh? I didn't watch that anime, seems a bit too dark, heavy and full of drama for my tastes. I was too busy watching Interspecies Reviewers. ;)


Hey so unrelated to this release, there's this problem I keep running into but I havent brought up yet because I don't think it's that big of a deal, but the eyebrows on the rabbit head model never seem to load properly. Whenever I switch between templates and use the rabbit head, its eyebrows always spawn in weird positions.

Vex White

Hello! So, unrelated to this post I have a question and proposal to the YL creators. I was wondering if it would be possible for me to purchase one of the worlds used in YL1 for use in VRC. This would be purely private with no distribution of course. I loved the games and have been a follower for a while now. I am willing to offer substantial payment for 1 of the raw worlds so that I may port it to a personal world in VRC. Feel free to contact me about any inquiries. Thank you all for your hard work and keep creating excellence!


Hey there Lovalicious! Do you mean eyebrows don't load properly when loading the default character, or do you mean eyebrows don't appear properly when switching heads in an existing character?


Hi there Vex White! This map is something we purchased from another artist. I'd feel weird about selling their work. I asked the original author if they'd be interested in selling it, but they're not. Sorry. :(

Vex White

Oh, no worries. Would you be able to possibly put me in contact with said artist? Thank you for trying all the same!


I mean eyebrows dont load properly when switching heads on an existing character, yeah.


@Lovalicious That's unfortunately just the way it works. It's a generic system that tries to apply decals in the same place/angle, so if the shape vastly differs, then the decals will appear in a different place. Texturing should always be done after configuring a shape. YL2's character editor much more resembles a 3D authoring app rather than a character editor in games. So much in fact that we've started calling it a character assembly tool rather than character editor.


The artist has expressed a wish not to have his contact details shared, sorry. 😓

John Vermer

Everything is fine, but what you forgot is shoulder option in "bones options" ;) My strongwoman looks little funny with big shoulders XD

Divine Powerfist

When are we getting the possibility to make animations?


Work on the interaction systems will begin later this year. I think at its earliest, some basic interactions could be implemented by the end of the year, but it will likely not happen until some time into 2021.