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We're trying to do something different with the smoothness map on Elaine, trying to give her a short fur look, but doing fur on 2d texture is notoriously tricky and we're not quite sure what to make out of it.

What do you patrons think? Does it add to her or does it take away the attractiveness of her?




Looks ok to me, maybe you could do a before and after shot with and without fur?


I kind of like it, definitely adds a lot of "texture". I wonder how it will look in motion.


I think it looks great! Maybe try an make a couple more "fur" variations and post those so we can give you feedback on which is better. Because I definitely think that the pseudo fur look is much more interesting to look at than just the plain smoothness.


I think it looks alright but I'd definitely include the option to opt for a more flat look as it sort of clashes with the "style" we've seen so far. I'd probably end up preferring a non "fur look" texture


The thing with textures is what happens to them when you stretch them and move their joints around? Like in this game there is going to be lots of stretching textures. Although she looks amazing with textures there should be multiple choices in skins I think then. :D

Dark Sunrise

Well, it looks alright, but (and this is just my two cents) I think it just makes the whole models feel a little more flat. Maybe a "short fur" shader would look much better. I know that making/implementing shaders is a lot of work, but it might very well pay off. Also, since you're using Unity, I wouldn't be surprised if you could maybe find a pre-made shader for exactly that somewhere...


Personally I love how it looks.


I agree. It would probably be best that it be a skin option. That way I don't think anyone will fuss over it :-)


you could implement it into the game and let us have a closer look at it. I cant really tell if it works or not from the picture.


I like it! ... yellow nipples though?


It's an improvement...Keep tinkering around with it, maybe show us some idle and motion examples with gfycat like you did with the drivers, after you find some patterns you like.


Im totally for it! I think any sort of fur type texure on all of the models is a plus in my book! I love how all of the models look currently and the only things on my wishlist would be some kind of fur texture like this and a sweat/wet bodies option.


It looks good from this angle. It's hard to tell what it would look like in stretched joints and whatnot though. I'd really LIKE for there to be fur if it's possible to get well done.


I think it looks sexy as hell personally! lol

Kijin Riderage

I feel like it would be better to see it moving or at least bent in ways that are used in the program.


It looks really sexy.


I think she looks GREAT! I'm definitely digging how she's coming along! XD


I'd say it's an improvement for sure!


I think a side-By-side would help giving feedback. As is shown, the texture around the sides, stomach, and chest looks very pleasent, but the texturing on the arms and neck look like loads of tiny scars, which is slightly off-putting.


Hey Jonatan. We understand this, and as a response we're thinking of include the short fur smoothness map in to our Patreon Build where users can get a full view of it. We will start an post where patrons can say what they like about it. If it get's overwhelmingly positive feedback, we'll keep it, if not, we'll not include it in the later public build. How does that sound like?