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To prevent several penises from clipping into each other during double penetration [in a single hole], we have added a couple of new properties, which offset the shaft target point a little bit. We think these options will improve the quality of the interaction and penetration.


Apart from these two, we're also introducing some other new properties. We will cover these ones in future videos.

Moreover, because multiple character interaction and double penetration has required us to dig into the penetration and humping behaviors, we've had time to rethink and improve previous behavior as well. Some things that weren't possible before will now be possible. We're excited to show you these improvements in future videos.


Gfycat GIF

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Holy shit you're already working on it... This has just become the greatest application ever created.

Shadow Drake

Can't wait to get my paws no these features n make more fun stuffs ^_^


Humina humina...


This looks incredible already. Damn y'all are quick


Thanks! We are taking this very seriously, so we're giving it all we've got. Anything else would be an insult to our patrons. We want to show people we are dedicated and capable, and promised features will be delivered in a timely fashion. Being able to deliver is very important, especially considering the amount of money this is starting to generate.


You guys are awesome! this is going to be so worth the wait, and even more worth the money I've pledged to support it! <3


This is so worth the money! Other patreon projects don't do anywhere the work you guys do. Thank you for working so hard!




VERY excited for this. Looking great! I'm more excited for the new models, but this is great too.


That poor, poor broken penis.. : o


Seriously though you people are the best. At the rate you're going, people won't even need porn again. This is the best thing there is.


oh wow, the way that hole stretches. So hot. I think I'll actually up my pledge to 12 dollars, just so I can get to experience the WIP build hwne it comes out. (hopefully soon).