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Today's file is designed for folks into the misogyny / anti-feminism kink. This file might not be to everyone's tastes but recently I have been endeavoring to diversify my themes a bit. If this isn't for you, don't worry, I will come back around to your kink soon enough!


Disclaimer: This file is a work on erotic fantasy, it includes themes of mind control, brainwashing, misogyny and sexism. This file should only be used for scenes and training dynamics between consenting adults.

I am a feminist because I believe in equal rights
I am a feminist because I am a strong woman
I am a feminist because I love everyone equally
I am not a feminist because I love attention..
Wait… no.. I am a feminist, but not because I love attention..
I am a feminist because I love men.. I mean.. Everyone is equal right?
I am a feminist because I believe that men and women are both worthy of respect
I am a feminist because I love the differences between Men and Women
I am not a feminist because men should be men and girls should be girls
Wait.. umm. I mean.. I’m a feminist, but i guess we’re kinda different, but totally equal, right?
I am a feminist because everyone deserves a voice.
I am a feminist because I always listen when Men speak
I am a feminist because He said i’m a good girl
I am a feminist because feminism means doing what men tell me
I am not a feminist because I love to suck cock
Huh? No i.. Umm. uhh.. I think I said that wrong..
I am a feminist because being a feminist mean being empowered
I am a feminist because I embrace my sexuality
I am a feminist because getting fucked is liberating.
I am a feminist because I feel empowered on my knees
I am not a feminist because feminism doesn’t make me orgrasm
Umm.. wait… no, that’s right.. I think...
I am not a feminist because I love pleasing men
I am not a feminist because He told me we aren’t equal
I am not a feminist because I am weak and emotional.
I am not a feminist because I don't really see the point
I am not a feminist because he makes so much sense
I am not a feminist because when he speaks, I listen
I am not a feminist because I love to obey
I am a feminist because I love to obey



i didnt know i liked this but like i guess i totally do 😅


So effing hott omg 🙌🏻

Chaos Doll

Much appreciated! I have a stepford project coming sometime in October you might enjoy :)