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A special recording for darlings looking to up their wifey games. Sit back, relax and enjoy the oh so pleasant conditioning of becoming a happy homemaker.


Attention ladies, are you tired of being overworked and underappreciated? Has too much studying at college left you feeling burnt out? Is your high-powered career exhausting and unfulfilling?
Well what if we told you that we can help you tidy up your mindset and simplify your life?
That’s right! These ten simple rules will have you feeling just swell and on the path to liberation from all those problematic distractions, so listen closely and repeat along if you feel so inclined
Step One: Make time for your hobbies. It’s important to have interests outside of your busy and hectic life, consider adopting new hobbies that will take your mind off the stress and exhaustion of studying or working outside the home. If you’re a lover of fine cuisine, taking a cooking class never hurt anyone. Do you want to save money and still be fashionable? Consider sewing and dressmaking!
Step Two: Avoid stress at home! Our modern world is full of unpleasant news and frequently distressing social media scandals. Simply switching off the 24-hour news networks can go a long way towards easing your mind throughout the day. Instead of the news, consider watching cooking shows to learn the latest and greatest recipes. Instead of scrolling your socials, consider watching tutorials to improve your sewing or organize your possessions.

Step Three: A clean home leads to a clear mind. Studies have shown that an untidy and disorganized environment can contribute to our stress levels, leaving us feeling fatigued and distraught. In order to prevent such unpleasantness from occurring we should strive to maintain a clean, well organized, home environment.
Step Four: Smile more often! While it can be difficult in trying times, it’s important to project a cheerful and pleasant demeanor as often as possible. You might even find that the more you act pleasant and welcoming towards others, the more perfectly pleasant you feel even when you’re on your own. Smile every day, to keep those pesky negative thoughts away.
Step Five: Dress for success! Too many times us ladies let our sense of fashion slip into easy mode. Add some spice to your outfits, be sure to accessorize! Avoid looking dowdy or masculine. Dresses and heels always look better, whether you're dressing for yourself or to snag the attention of a fella’ in your life. A good man always likes a girl that wants to look good for him, while maintaining her feminine modesty.
Step Six: Find a good husband! Look for a Man that can help ease your day to day burdens, a Man willing to take on responsibilities so that you can begin to focus on the things which truly matter. Find a man that will love you and care for you while respecting and encouraging your feminine interests.
Step Seven:  Dinner time is family time! So you’ve spent the afternoon cooking and baking to your heart’s content. This is a great time to disconnect from the distractions of the world and spend time being His wife. Share a meal and share time together. Communicate with each other, share your thoughts and feelings and listen attentively as he offers His wisdom.
Step Eight:  Let go of unpleasant thoughts!  Overthinking can be stressful and lead to premature age lines. Stay vibrant and youthful, cast away all those extraneous thoughts. Take a few moments every day to just let go of everything that came before. Take a deep breath and open your eyes, Be sure to greet your Husband at the door with a pleasant smile and a warm embrace as he comes home from a busy day at work.
Step Nine: Watch your language! It’s no secret that what we say affects the way we think. Unpleasant or obscene language can lead to unpleasant and obscene emotions. Do not use words you wouldn't want repeated back at you. Ladies who speak rudely are merely showing others how they wish to be treated.  Strive to be kind, pleasant and respectful at all times and everyone in your life will be pleasant and delightful in return.
Step Ten: Communicate effectively, tell your Husband your needs without sharing every random thought in your pretty little head. You didn’t marry a mind reader, after all. But remember to be pleasant and not to disturb him unnecessarily. When He speaks, listen… and most importantly, when He commands, Obey.

And there you have it… ten easy steps to absolute bliss.
Listen and follow along and soon you will be on the path of the Happy Homemaker.


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