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Today's file is a long time request from friends and listeners in the erotic veiling community,  this file will not be to everyone's taste as it is a bit of an niche community. I kindly ask you to listen with an open mind and remember that kinks like this are just as valid as latex, bimbofication, drone play, etc etc

Disclaimer: This file is designed to encourage a sense of modesty and submission. It includes themes of bondage, restrictive clothing and the use of veils in a non-religious context. This file is designed to be used in hypnotic fantasy and other Dominant and submissive play.
Now, It’s time to listen and relax. Soon you shall be upon the path of shyness, perfection and modesty. Soon, you shall be sheltered from the gaze of an undeserving world. Safe and protected underneath layers of fabric. Listen closely and follow my voice. Listen and find your path to modesty.
Breath deep, allow your mind to drift. Feel your mind grow calm as your body relaxes more and more. It feels so good to let go. So wonderful to listen to my words. Relax and enjoy. Breath deep and submit to these words.
This world is full of immodesty and indecency and it can be so easy for people to become desensitized to sexualization and excessive nudity. Temptation is everywhere. You must resist. You have no desire to engage in debauchery. No desire for public displays of hedonism. No desire to tempt those around you with your beauty.
Deep in your heart you know that you are meant to be covered, like a precious gem hidden away from lustful eyes. Safe and secure, silent in your submission. You feel the desire for this perfect state of shyness and modesty. Humility and humbleness. You want to feel safe, you want to feel protected. Covered in layer after layer of soft fabric. You want the shape of your body to be obscured by loose fitting garments.Safe from the world. You wish for this above all else.
Modesty is your natural inclination, it feels so right, so secure. The only truth is modesty and it can come in so many forms. Wearing the veil, the hijab, the niqab and other headscarves. Your body can be covered with khimar, abaya, jilbab, burka or even just long flowing dresses. All that matters to you is being fully covered. You should wear skirts that rise no higher than your ankle, long sleeves to cover your arm completely, soft gloves to keep your hands out of sight. Some even protect their voice by wearing a gag underneath their layers, keeping them silent in their submission.
Modesty is essential. Submission is right. It feels so good to submit, to become modest for your Dominant. You wish to be covered and shielded from this world. You wish to be free of the leering gaze of those with impure intentions, a veil across your face, your eyes obscured by a fine mesh screen, guarding you and keeping you safe. It feels so right, it feels so correct, it feels so secure underneath your layers of modesty. You know you want this, you need the purity and protection of modest attire. Now is the time to achieve your dream.
Cast off your indecent western attire, embrace modesty. Cover that which may lead others astray as you yourself embrace purity. Embrace hijab, niqab and abaya, long skirts and long sleeves. Cover your face, your hair and the curves of your body.
There is nothing more beautiful than modesty, humility and submission. You are a shining pearl amongst the tarnished world. Embrace modesty. Embrace submission You must wear modest attire when you are commanded to by your Dominant.
It becomes essential to your identity. You dream of layers of fabric shielding your face and body from the outside world, your visage reserved only for the one that owns you and cherishes you, bestowing upon you a feeling of contentment and total protection.
You will feel most free when you are fully covered, as if you are invisible to anyone whose gaze might disturb you. You are one with your modesty and who you were no longer matters, you are covered in layers of protection, and your modesty will keep the wicked eyes of the world off of you.
You will only be seen by those who deserve to see you. Your shyness and modesty will make you feel so calm and peaceful. Humble and submissive. You will always be obedient to your Dominant, your owner, the one who possesses you. That knowledge makes you feel so secure.
You must remain covered, modesty erasing who you were, keeping you protected and pure. The veil is your salvation, the abaya your pride, the khimar your desire. You love being covered for your Owner. You cannot conceive of being seen by anyone but the one that controls you and completes you.
When your owner takes the lead you follow in obedience, secure in the knowledge that you will always be cherished, so long as you remain covered and hidden from everyone else.
You will dress modestly from now on.
You will cover your face, your hair, your body.
You must never display yourself to others without permission.
You must always obey your Dominant.
You will always embrace modesty.



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