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This file is an updated version of one of my classic rapid inductions, featuring all new backing audio and remastered vocals. This file utilizes finger snapping triggers to bring the subject into a blissful trance.

This file encourages a healthy interest in hypnosis and the effects that hypnosis has on the mind, while maintaining personal safety. This file also highly encourages consent and rapport building with one's hypnotist. Best enjoyed at a low to moderate volume on high quality headphones.

So let’s begin with a common sense safety warning, This file is for hypnotic use between adults over the age of consent. This file encourages a deeply suggestible state. If you do not wish to enter a trance state, you must stop playing this file now.
This file is a rapid induction, snap triggers are reinforced and used throughout. I want you to listen carefully. What you are about to hear, will happen so fast, you might not even realize it’s occurring. If you consent, you may continue now.
Relax and listen to my voice. Find a comfortable position, sitting or laying down. Get cozy and comfortable, place your hands at your sides and make sure that your legs are uncrossed, release all tension in your muscles.
Close your eyes. You can relax and lay still for a while. I want you to take a nice deep breath in, slow and deliberate, deep and filling. Then exhale, slowly, pushing out all tension, worry, doubt or fear.
Continue to breathe deeply, in, slow, purposeful. Out, slow, all non-essential concerns floating away. Good. Listen to my voice. Let my voice guide you. Let my words flow into you, let my words float around inside your mind for just a little while. Good.
I’m going to count from ten to one… and with each number, you will feel yourself become more and more relaxed. More and more open to my words, open to my suggestions, open to the truth.
10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1…
Good, so deeply relaxed. But you can go further still, can’t you? Of course you can and I will lead you there, to that place, deep inside your mind. I will lead you to a place where my words and actions can influence you in ways you never knew were possible, where even the simple sound of my fingers snapping will push you towards a deeply submissive and obedient state.
Lets count again, from ten to one.. Each number dropping you down more and more. Deeper and deeper. Flowing into the deepest parts of your mind now. With each number I’ll snap my fingers and you find the sound so distinctive, so comforting, that it only helps to deepen your relaxed state.
10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...
You allow this because you know I will not harm you, nor will I allow others to harm you. You feel safe here, because you know that even as I take you very deep into trance, if you become truly uncomfortable with my suggestions, you can simply wake yourself up without hesitation or difficulty.
You are safe here, with my words guiding you. Allowing my voice to become your thoughts. Because you know I will lead you to pleasure. Because I will lead you towards a blissful state of mental submission. The very thought of allowing my words  into your mind is comforting and arousing at the same time. You feel content to follow along with everything I say while you are in this deeply relaxed state. Because it feels so good.
You are an ideal hypnotic subject. You are delighted and thrilled with the idea of being suggestible, mentally controlled by the soothing words of a hypnotist. You find hypnosis thrilling and arousing. The more you fall into trance, the more you find yourself desiring to experience that feeling again and again, so long as it is safe to do so.
You will find yourself becoming increasingly interested in learning more about hypnosis, so that you may better understand its effects on your mind and on the minds of others. It is all so interesting and complex, you are drawn to the power of hypnosis. Yes, it’s all so interesting. A powerful hypnotic session can be even more fulfilling than physical sexuality.
You desire to serve a powerful hypnotist, but you will only allow yourself to be hypnotized by those you trust. You will never allow a hypnotist to harm you. Hypnosis provides clarity of thought and absolute direction, but as a hypnotic subject it is essential that you only obey commands that will not violate your consent.
You are an ideal hypnotic subject, because you are informed, because you understand the nature of trance and always wish to learn more about hypnosis.
Now I’m going to slowly bring you back up, to the wakeful world. You will arise slowly, comfortably. Feeling fulfilled, refreshed and renewed. You will arise with a keen awareness of all that was spoken in trance and the blissful sensation of clarity it provided. You will wake knowing that you are, indeed, an ideal hypnotic subject.
I will count from one to ten and when I reach ten, you will awake. Feeling all that I have told you. Remembering each word clearly, vividly.
1, 2, 3, 4 ,5 ,6, 7, 8, 9, 10…
Arise and awake.
Hello and welcome back.



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