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Hum... I tried to extract the graphics from the game and this was the best I could. There is lots of moving parts in this and flash doesn't handles them very well when you try to export them. Well! The thing is better animated. You can find the frames in the same place as always.




Any luck getting your tablet?

The Alternate202

Loved this scene. The dialogue really made it extra awesome, with Bali refusing to give in and roaring as she crunched the door into the walls. So very cool, and thanks for taking the time to get it working, since I know you said it was one of the more difficult ones to do because of all the moving part. It turned out great!


Not yet, its in the customs yet, its just sitting there since day 10. I even bought an used part for my old wacom as an alternative plan. The work in the game is proceeding okay, i am programming the events of the second act, i just can't make any graphic right now.