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Hello! Alright! I see you guys really Liked Lima and Bali. Penny is alright, a bit cliché, but I can work that idea a little more. Masara, some liked others found a little distant to the original character. I made another version, something between a priestess and a nun. I want someone to make her look somewhat evolved and superior. And a did a sketch for a super-Mack. Since her biotic powers are so powerful and stuff, I come with this super hero/sayajin version. No hair, and with more tatoos on her face and body. And I can make some effects in the animation, like sparks and energy waves pulsing from her body. Well, I think it will be something cool to try. And there is Minerva. I am not completely happy with the two concepts I did. One looks pretty... meh and the other looks like Kraven the hunter. On the second act she faces her father and takes his place on... whatever he does. So she's a pretty big shot now and wants Shepherd to be her employee/pet. I was thinking in something like a executive, but powerful, and sexy. And a bit slutty. That's hard.




Why I mentioned that Penny looks to odd is because this appereance doesn't fit her personality and even not the ME universe. It would fit more into the gallery section of the game. I would say if she needs a dangerous gun than one out of the ME universe. Maybe the Geth Spitfire? <a href="http://masseffect.wikia.com/wiki/Geth_Spitfire" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://masseffect.wikia.com/wiki/Geth_Spitfire</a> And then she won't hold it two handed cause she is a strong girl xD Instead of the band I would give her a complete different armor. What about a Krogan or a Ceberus Armor? <a href="http://bestgamewallpapers.com/files/mass-effect-3/cerberus-trooper_wide.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://bestgamewallpapers.com/files/mass-effect-3/cerberus-trooper_wide.jpg</a> I would guess she will fit in those armor quite nicely. While holding the Spitfire in one hand she could hold the helmet between her other arm. A sketch would now be interesting. I was just brainstorming a bit. Tell me what you guys think. Your idea about Mack is outstanding. This one is gonna be so awesome!!! Lima and Masara. I would not change them. For Minerva what about this dress: <a href="https://sarahtherebel.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/mass-effect-3-citadel-dlc-610x340.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://sarahtherebel.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/mass-effect-3-citadel-dlc-610x340.jpg</a> <a href="https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/b1/c7/45/b1c745439882b681ea67451ce184d679.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/b1/c7/45/b1c745439882b681ea67451ce184d679.jpg</a> Also a sketch would be nice when possible. Bali's outfit. Currently I have no idea. Looks like she now wants to help even more and put on the admiral outfit.


Thank you for the reply! I didn't came with an especific idea for Penny's gun, but the heavy machine gun would be more funnier, and more cliché. About the armor plate, yeah, the cerberus one would make more sense. Did you like which version of Masara? The dancer or the nun? I don't find that too interesting for Minerva, its a party dress. I am looking for something functional. And sexy. And a bit slutish. But Bali is an admiral now, she even have a fleet. The tip of her head is an imitation of a officer cap.


I really like Mak v2.0. I'm not into tatoos, but it goes perfectly with the character. For Minerva, I was browsing different references, and found these ladies who could fit your description (executive, powerful and sexy) : Kei Yuki 2013 (Captain Harlock) and Baronness (Cobra).


Oh yeah Mack will be awesome with those leaking biotic powers of her. If I could decide I would choose Baroness.


Maybe Minerva could wear some makeup. <a href="http://sluttygirlproblems.com/health-and-beauty/five-ways-to-party-proof-your-make-up/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://sluttygirlproblems.com/health-and-beauty/five-ways-to-party-proof-your-make-up/</a>

The Alternate202

My thoughts on Mack and Minerva: Mack I think looks really great. The whole 'super-powered-up biotic punk badass with hints of Dragonball Z' is the perfect approach to take with her I think, and could look really cool with those energy effects if you can get them working well. Excellent job. As for Minerva's two designs, I definitely prefer the first one over the "Kraven the Hunter"-type one. That one seems a bit 'out there'. :p It looks like you're on the right track with the first one, as it certainly has more of a "super-powered boss" look to it (the shades definitely help with that I think), though it sounds like you're not too happy with it yourself. Still, I think that one looks closer to what you're going for than the second design, so hopefully you're able to come up with something that's even closer to what you want. Either way, it's certainly a good start!


Some makeup could indeed add this naughty aspect Reddyheart is looking for. I googled "Femme fatale makeup" and found a lot of examples ^^


Thank you for the response! The trouble with Minerva's outfits I found its they aren't sexy enough. I mean, the original character is hot as hell. She must be the hotter as possible. I am still trying.


But I have to admit that I really like her ripped clothes. Looks really good and give me the imagination that it has to be really tight.


I will what I can do. The cloths can be ripped on the arms area.