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Hello! Since my wacom display is kaput, I can't work in the graphics for the time being. Do you think I am sitting on my buns while I wait for the replacement? Of course not! I still need to work on some corners in the first act, but I did think it would be a best use of this "idle" time to work in the ideas for the second act. And I come with these sketchs. Of course. there is a background script for these changes in the costumes and etc, but I am still working this out with the writers. Basicly the girls dealt with their problems(the loyalty mission, remember?) using MIGHT and they returned to NoManLand to talk/kill/seduce Shepherd. Again, this is a parody, do not overthink the things much. But I think they are nice. This is still a work in progress, I will give more details soon. You can find these sketchs on the sketchs folder in the dropBox project folder. Tell me what you think.




I just checked the sketches, I must say that I love Masara and Lima's outfits. They're quite sexy and perfect for growth :) Penny's stance made me smile compared to her shy behavior at the beginning of the game.


Liara and Samara god there has to be a standalone picture with those two! The outfit of Tali looks quite interesting but I don't know if I can love Jack's outfit. It looks a bit kitschy with the rambo headband. I guess cause it isn't new. I will wait what the others will write.


My thoughts on the concepts, in order: Admiral Bali I really like, imposing and martial, but also cute and quirky, with this sort of scanty space Bison-like design. Really cool. Rambo-Penny is funny, and could lead to some hilarious shenanigans. Interested to see how her character could turn out with that direction. Matriarch Lima is very fitting: imposing and martial, but nothing else. The appearance of a leader, a conqueror, quite the opposite of her relatively shy canon personnality. Again, I like it very much. And finally Mother Masara... really, she's the only one I have a problem with. Her outfit is... just weird, very diminutive, almost slutty, and her Mother status just... I don't know, I just find it weird. Something more... regal should do the trick, with a lot more clothing, or a less revealing outfit at the very least. So, Mack and Minerva remain, and I can't wait to see how they turn out. I'm not a gambling man, but if I was, I would bet on an Illusive Woman Minerva, and Psycho Biotic Goddess Mack. Overall, I dig very much the Act II personas of the character (with the exception of Masara), and can't wait for what will come next. I have a feeling Act II's gonna be glorious. P.S: On the note of the size difference: is it me, or some character are taller than than others? For example, in Act I, Minerva and Samara both look bigger than, say, Bali or Lima. Is it just a matter of perspectives, or a deliberate thing?


I am glad you liked them! I thought in making a "evolved" version for each character, and I thought it would be nice to show Penny in an active and tough form.


That's Penny, not Jack, Mack I mean. I didn't come with a good idea for an "evolved" Mack. Buy, yeah, the general idea for Penny was something like a 80's hero, muscular, tough and cheesy.


Thank you for the reviews! Well, Masara dresses like that because she abandoned her role as Justicar and made a new set of codes. And she pretty much thinks she is a saint, a chosen one and want to endocrinate Shepherd. But I agree, her clothes is pretty minimal, i confess I am not 100% satisfied. Maybe something like a space nun? With smaller clothes? Yes, there is an order of muscle size. Minerva is the bigger one. Then we come Masara and Mack. Bali gets closer to them. Then we have Penny and Lima. Of course, some are taller than others. But in the second act they will have minor differences in musculature. I think it will be better this way.


*whistle* very fine looking

The Alternate202

My thoughts on the first four: Admiral Bali looks cool. Love that she's showing more skin (MIGHT clearly does wonders for the immune system! :D ), and that she's wearing a bikini top with a cool-looking pattern on it. The idea of the tip of her head mimicking an officer's cap is a nice touch, and that it's sort of built into her headwear, as can clearly be seen in the size comparison sketch, is good. One of her alternate outfits in ME3 has that same sort of 'peak that sticks out further' idea, though obviously not taken as far as this: <a href="http://i.imgur.com/5G9cb.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://i.imgur.com/5G9cb.jpg</a> Maybe you might find that of use in some way for your version. I would say it might be good to streamline/simplify things a little perhaps though, especially around her shoulders and neck, as it looks a little busy there (and it might make it easier to animate/make multiple drawings of, too). Penny looks great. I like the contrast with her initial personality, going all gung-ho now that she's bulked up. There's definitely a lot of comedy potential there, though I'd agree with what Pixelpapst said about maybe giving her an actual Mass Effect gun instead. But I think it's a fun idea to go with. Lima also looks really great. A very cool 'ancient Greek/Spartan warrior'-type design. I think you nailed that one. Masara is a tough one to peg though. I see what people are saying about the first sketch being very far removed from her normal look, though I think the second version might also echo the Admiral Bali design a bit too much with the same sort of 'square-shouldered cape' look. It's hard to say. But, as is clearly the case, you're obviously still very much finding the right looks for all of them, so I'm looking forward to seeing how things change and evolve in the future!