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Hello! I did more one version of Minerva. This one is smaller, tighter and red. I think it looks good. Ah, these colors is just to give an idea, I will not use these exact colors. I posted some color schemes for the others characters, give a look. These pictures are placed in the sketch folder inside of the dropBox folder of the project. Tell me what you think.



John Rikhter

I think she should be even tighter but even bigger, lol. Like Chi-Chi in the last page of Growth Queens. :D

The Alternate202

This design certainly looks even sexier than the last two, while still keeping that "boss" aspect with the shades. I can see why she's proving to be one of the harder characters to create a new outfit for, but I agree that this looks good! As for the others, Lima and Masara's colour schemes look great, and I especially like that you've kept the red, gold and purple colour scheme for Masara, as it helps keep that visual link to her initial appearance, while the purple of Lima's outfit and the headpiece are reminiscent of Matriarch Benezia, so that's also a nice connection there. For Bali though, I definitely think that her colour scheme should be closer to her purple one from the games. *Spoilers for ME3 I guess.* :p In ME3 it's confirmed and shown that her skin is light purple, very similar to Masara's skin colour from the first act, rather than blue, hence why her suit and face mask are mostly purple, to mimic colour of her skin underneath (it's something that's only shown if you romance Tali though, so you might not have seen it in your playthrough). <a href="http://i39.tinypic.com/34ywttw.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://i39.tinypic.com/34ywttw.jpg</a> So yeah, I definitely think her skin colour should be the same purpleish colour that it is in the games, otherwise it might look a bit weird. :p Possibly the other parts of her new outfit could be the same sort of mix of dark purple, grey and gold/yellow that make up her regular outfit too (like dark purple for the bikini top with gold for the textured parts, for example, and a purple cape), just to keep that same visual link with her first act appearance as the newly-coloured Masara sketch now has, rather than having her seem too much like a separate character.


Don't worry, they will be bigger in the final art. And they will grow bigger again later.


Thank you for the comment! I thought in exchanging the color of Bali's clothes for something different. I think white would look good, like a naval commander outfit. I will make a different color set using the colors of her original suit. And yeah, her skin is more purple than blue. I am suck at colors. What you said is really important, the characters should ressembling their original looks. I think Minerva clothes should be white after all.


For Minerva, I like it, but I find it too... silly. I mean, if I was a businessman, and that my associate showed up like that, despite the intimidating presence and muscles, I would still laugh my ass off. What I was thinking would be to give her a very strict, very formal attire (a simple space business suit or something like that), and, when she gets angry or want to intimidate a person, she would take it off to reveal this outfit. It would be like those boss characters in anime or cartoons, that look old or just very professionnal all the time, but when it's time to fight or they want to make a point, they take off their clothes to reveal something silly, like huge muscles or a catch outfit (which this outfit really reminded me of). Well, that's my two bits for you. If you think that would be too much work, or that it's just a bad idea, feel free to ignore what I said, no hard feeling.^^


I like the general look of this outfit. The bikini and the legs armor are OK. Regarding the arms though, my first reaction was : how does it stay on her ? ^^ Maybe by making the part on her forearm an extension of her gloves, and extending the shoulder part slightly towards her traps to show that they connect on her back would do the trick. But as I said, my impression on the general look is definitely positive :) For the colors I find them ok. They go well together.


Don't worry, I do receive any critic. i like to read them. Well, Minerva isn't "really" a businesswoman, she is more a crimelord(crimelady?), a top-tier gangster. She really doesn't stay put on desk telling the others what to do. She just owns all the stuff, the people included. About the outfit, I agree its pretty skimpy. Maybe instead the bikini pieces, maybe a leather vest would look better. And white. I guess.


Yeah, that would look better. I didn't put much details, but the outfit will be quite imponent.