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Script: Coldtofu

Summary: It’s just you and me in the locker room after practice, and teasing leads to more.

Tags: [M4M] [Volleyball Practice] [Locker Room] [Jock] [Himbo] [Teasing] [Flirting] [Wholesome [Groping] [Sweaty] [Oral] [Deepthroat] [Facefucking] [Swallowing Cum]

(art by @memememenome)

En's Weekly Thoughts:

I'm not actually here right now. As in, I'm not in front of a computer at the present moment typing this out and uploading the audio. I'm likely (and hopefully) on a beach staring into the water and trying my best to not think about work and responsibilities and my day-to-day obligations.

I've had this consistent problem in my life where I'm unable to enjoy living in the moment because I can't stop thinking about everything I should be doing. It's a problem that's simultaneously gotten better and worse with age. Better because I have a loving partner now who reminds me to take time off, and worse because I naturally have a lot more obligations the older I get.

I have a therapist who reminds me constantly that I need to not look at "working hard" as a virtue in and of itself. I think it's something indicative of my upbringing that I tend to hyperfocus on this aspect in a way where I think there's some inherent good to running yourself ragged with your work. I've always prided myself on that, the image of me being all worn out after having accomplished a whole lot. Really, I've come to realize that it's just another way for me to distract myself from having to confront my feelings.

I also tend to think that a lot of us live our lives in that way: constantly trying to distract ourselves from our feelings in the present moment and mentally chasing one thing to the next. I don't think it's a generalization to say that it's so easy to do that nowadays. I think I've lived much of my life this way and it's taking some real undoing to get out of it. But I hope at the very least this can be a weekly reminder to not completely blunt yourself of your emotions and to really assess how you feel from time to time, as well as reach out to the people you care about for a heart-to-heart.

(As always, catch me on Twitch being goofy 'cause that's where most of my attention (outside of my actual 9-5 job) goes.)

Special Thanks

Overlords: Elvellia | Riosjude

Supremes: Adriel Reinsley | Alastor Trinh | Max | Nani | Nexus | PurplishBlue | Sleepy Seaweed | Vade Vafurous



Fuck yeah