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Script: Honey (Twitch | Twitter)

summary: you work at the local library, and you of course have a favorite co-worker. He’s so soft and sweet and can’t get enough of him. It’s been a slow day and you decide to visit him on his shift so you can make your move on him

tags: [m4a] [ensub] [coworkers] [exhibition] [creampies] [praise] [mutual orgasms] [listener on top] [begging] [fingering]

(art by @ias1010)

En's Weekly Thoughts:

I'm going on vacation next week but I'll still be posting an audio while I'm gone, so don't worry about missing me. 🤭

With that said, I'm very much looking forward to my break. We're going to the beach and I'm going to soak up as much sun and ocean water as I can.

There's always been something nostalgic about the beach for me. I suppose that's because I used to go there a lot with my grandfather when I was little. We'd just walk up and down where the water met the sand and collect little oddities that we saw. It felt so strangely freeing then as it does now to just want to plummet into the cold water all at once, letting your body get all soaked as you acclimated to the temperature.

For as long as I can remember I've had that as a fixed image in my mind, me and my grandfather at the beach. I don't know why. It's not even that anything super noteworthy happened whenever we were there together -- I suppose it just represents a time in my past when I felt safe and untroubled from my daily burdens and insecurities. I admired my grandfather a lot in my youth because he was a very resolute personality while also being very poetic and a good listener, which was so unlike a lot of the older male figures in my life at the time. For some reason whenever I set out to write something about him, I can't help but imagine the beach, as well as feel that swirl of childish emotions I would inevitably feel -- excitement, nervousness, embarrassment, anxiety, hopefulness -- from being there.

I don't particularly have a point to make this week with my weekly thoughts. I just want to remind y'all to treasure those around you in the present moment, as much as you can.

(As always, catch me on Twitch being goofy 'cause that's where most of my attention (outside of my actual 9-5 job) goes.)

Special Thanks

Overlords: Elvellia | Riosjude

Supremes: Adriel Reinsley | Alastor Trinh | Max | Nani | Nexus | PurplishBlue | Sleepy Seaweed | Vade Vafurous



ehehehheehehhehehehehehehehehe busy day busy day busy day i'm not losing my mind ehehehehehehehehehe




bro i wanna marry you