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Script: Coldtofu

Summary: You don’t feel beautiful and I’m here to prove to you just how beautiful you really are.

Tags: [M4F] [Boyfriend] [Listener is Insecure] [Body Praise] [Positive Affirmations] [Comforting] [Kissing] [Body Worship] [L-Bombs] [Heavy Cunnilingus] [Clit Stimulation] [Promise for More]

(art by @pomelomelon)

En's Weekly Thoughts:

As I was reviewing this audio, there was one line I recited that sounded fine when I first listened to it, but then sounded more and more like the exact opposite of what I was trying to convey upon repeat listens. The line was "And I want to make you feel good" but because of my stupid East Coast accent where I garble my syllables it sounds like I'm saying "I don't want to make you feel good." I hope it doesn't take you too out of the moment if you hear it this way.

Do you ever feel like you're simultaneously someone who's very capable of accomplishing a lot if you really tried, while at the same time being someone who thinks they have no talents at all? Me thinking about my vocal delivery always gets me into that mindset. People always tell me that I should learn to refine my technique so I can get better at things like voice acting and singing when I keep saying that those things would only ever just be side hobbies for me and never my main focus. This is a lesson that I've hammered home here a million different ways: you don't have to be the "best" at everything you set out to do, and playing into this implicit sense of competition is poison in the long run because you inevitably end up running yourself ragged for the approval of people you don't even like. I've been there before, and I refuse to play into it again.

When I got back from my vacation a few days ago, I had a newfound sense of mental restoration. I feel really good about myself and where I am in my career (both professional and streaming-wise). My entire life I've been running up walls thinking that I need to do X, Y and Z in order to "advance" to a better place. But whenever I actually sit down with my feelings for a bit and process the things I'm doing right and my actual priorities, I realize how blessed I am to be here.

That isn't to say that I'm papering over the things that need addressing, or that there aren't real problems in the world to be upset about. I just think it's important to have perspective, and I hope you're all remembering to take care of yourselves in the same way.

(As always, catch me on Twitch being goofy 'cause that's where most of my attention (outside of my actual 9-5 job) goes.)

(ps: did you guys watch "the haunting of bly manor" on netflix? the ending song is currently on loop this morning and i keep getting all teary-eyed)

Special Thanks

Overlords: Elvellia | Riosjude

Supremes: Adriel Reinsley | Alastor Trinh | Max | Muffinbutt | Nani | Nexus | Sleepy Seaweed | Vade Vafurous



Why did this make me cry 😭😭😭