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Heya everyone,

During the last few days, I focused on building a new area that will host the "adult" counterpart of the diaper club : the city bar.

While I intend this place to be focused on the "caregiver" side for the players who want to engage of taking care of littles, it will also have a great importance for the littles ones out there. I'm still laying out plans here, but the general idea is that you'll get to this place at some point to get a caregiver that will follow you around. It will also allow me to make some "sub fetishes" area, like a punishment room.

As I said, I'm still figuring exactly how it will flow, this is my great work left for this update ! More on this to come in a future post of course.

In the meantime, since this is a bar, I implemented a fun little mecanism : Alcohol.

You'll be able to buy various alcohols and get totally smashed if you like this ( provided you're mature enough). Of course, there will be some classic alcholo-gamey side effects, and a continence impact. I tried to not go overboard with it for now so it still get fun and not tedious.

I also experimented with randomly not playing wetting/messing animation when intoxicated. The idea is that your character don't even get aware that they have an accident. I contempt also doing this tied to the maturity level, but I'm taking any feedback here. Do you think this is a good idea?

Finally, I tackled a pretty major bug that I wasn't even aware of. You see, I rarely play the "build" version of the game. I do a lot of my testing inside the game engine, because it allow me to easily correct things on the fly. So, I got pretty surprised to see that, in the build version of the game, textures for NPC were pretty messed up ! And it seem that it was this way for nearly a year. I was pretty angry at myself for letting this slip, as a lot of you that didn't played the earlier version of the game probably never realised this is a bug.

Long story short, it took a while to pinpoint and debug. It wasn't even an oversight on my side, but this was caused by an engine-sided bug. At least, it's fixed now. For thoses who wonder, the difference is pretty significant (Left before, right after).

That's it for now ! My next step are to finalize drafting the flow for the city bar, then implement both the "adult" introduction and the "little" introduction. The goal, like when I released the diaper club, is to provide a base content then add more as releases roll on.

As always, I'm taking any feedback on this ! See ya !




The character not even realizing that they've had an accident is pretty fun and clever but should probably stay as an intoxicated effect because, for me, the reactions from the character and NPCs are such a fun game mechanic. Though, it gives me another idea of how the character would react to a willing accident. For example, if the character has high maturity and willingly lets go, they could look around nervously before doing so. If the character has low maturity, they could giggle and look down as they let go. Looking forward to seeing what you do next! ...also, "punishment room" 0.0? Sounds fun lol


The idea is just to skip the animation, but not the reaction from NPCs. I have indeed planned to rework the animations for the continence mecanism, throwing more animations and make theses change given the situation (maturity, willingness, holding it...). It's a kinda low-priority task but I think I'll put it soon on the update plan.