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Hey everyone,

So, in-between world building and NPC creation, I'm also working a bit on the camera. 

To give a bit of background, camera work is maybe the most fundamental thing a third person game have, and while it's hardly spectacular, it's incredibly hard to get "right" as a dev. I tried a lot of small improvement over the last build to make it a bit better but I still get some annoying behaviour. 

I decided to think a bit outside the box and try a different approach (with the help of some unity package). So, instead of getting a simple camera orbiting around the player at a fixed orbit, and moving on the Y axis on a 90° orbit, this new camera work on three different orbits, so when you're moving "up", the camera jump on the upper orbit.

This sound trivial, because it's just a technical standpoint on the camera, but before following up through any of the solutions, either the old one or this one, I'd be glad to have your input on this, because this directly impact the "feel" of the game. 

I released a test build with the new camera change at the usual link (https://abdlsparrow.itch.io/the-pacifier-project-minor-releases/patreon-access - build is called R02.1t). 

I want you to feel the change, and tell me which camera feel the best :

-  the old one that was used on all the previous build until now


- the test-build one that I just released on the technical build 

Keep in mind that either way, the test-build camera still have a lot of room for improvement ! I just want to get your though on the general feel, so I can be sure this is the right way to go.

As this is some sideline work, I'm letting the poll open for a couple week so you all have the time to get a chance to try it! 



ill check it out. take it i can still do all the game things here?


I only had a few minutes to play around with it, but the camera feels much more responsive and intuitive. With the old camera I could occasionally get the view stuck looking directly up or down and need to wrestle with it a bit to correct it, but that doesn't seem possible with this build.


You can do most of the game things. It's a test build based on the last update.


Thank for your review. Indeed, it's not possible with the new camera because the view only go up to the higher orbit or down on the lower one so it can't get stuck anymore.


I like the new camera. feels much better than the old one.