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Hey everyone,

I mostly finished creating and integrating new NPC. The next update will host more that 30 of them ! 

So of course that give me even more work to create all theses dialogs. My main goal toward the next couple week will be to fit all the remaining NPC under the new dialog tree so the next release is up to date. 

On the NPC side, I began to draft my roadmap to improve them and give them more meaning. A lot of ABDL ones will get named and be involved in a big side quest that I think you'll like.

I also began to experiment on a test build on a few random event that I'd like to implement to make the city even more lively, like an NPC having an accident, and another one coming to confort him... some things like that. 

The popup system that I began to implement last update is also a good way of conveying life, so I'm still improving it. 

Don't mind the ugly big line that I will definitely change, the main thing here is that it's readable both side... A small improvement that got me a few headaches. 

So that's it for now, I'm gonna continue to work on the dialogs. It's definitely the biggest work for this update as I want to be done with this backlog, so all is ready to start the second level. 

See ya ! 



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