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Hey everyone,

I'm sorry I don't update much theses days. It's not like I don't make progress : I do make a lot of progress. But for now, it's mostly boring backend stuff that I don't have a lot to comment on. 

Basicaly, now that I mostly finished designing the new zone, I spent most of my time crafting and integrating new NPC. Like every 3D character, I have to first create it, then animate it and then bring it into unity to apply every NPC layer : dialogs, patterns, static or dynamic....

For now, I did that for about 15 NPC and I plan to do about 15 more to fill the new city zone. So it's quite slow but worth it in the end because that's as much NPCs that I'll be able to mold using the new template and give so much variations.

So that's it for that quick progress update. I still have a bit of work to finish the amount of NPC that I want and after that, I'll make the quest logic for the next story bits.

I have also worked a bit on the camera control. I'm still not happy with the camera as it is right now and I want to improve it as much as I can. I think I'll release soon a small technical demo with the new camera script so that you can try it out and tell me how it feel. Stay tuned for it ! 




Will there be any game over scenes. I was eager to try see If I could get the big ole daddy ghost to go through with his threat.


I try to make more organics fail states than pure game over scene. Like, the butler kicking you out if you have an accident is a "game over" in a gameplay sense. But you've got a point, good ol' big ghost should follow up with his threat if you bother him too much. I'll think about a fun way to do it.