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Hey everyone,

Thanks to all of you who gave your voice during this week poll.  The results are leaning to an overwhelming majority toward polishing up quality of life stuff before engaging in creating new content.

It's always hard to find the right balance between delivering more content and polishing existing stuff, so that kind of poll is really helpful to me. I'll be able to focus for a short time on some things that I brushed aside over the last fews weeks. 

And I want to ease out anyone who choose "content first" : The QoL update will probably come in the next couple weeks at most. It's time-consuming to focus on it, but far less that creating content. 

So, here's the changes that I want to deliver and that I already talked about in the last post :

  • Make the boy character playable in the same condition as the girl one. This is the most technical one but I already got a shot at it this week. I'll probably talk about it soon because things are looking quite good and I'll have a lot of stuff to show of ! 
  • Add save slots. This is especially important as the game is and will support multiple paths. I'd like to have 4 slots available at least :  one per gender and maturity threshold.
  • Make the world recognize more player's state. As I already said, I want you to feel consequences for your actions. So, I want to make the NPC react if you're naked or if you wear a visible diaper. Being naked should make interaction impossible, as no NPC would want to talk to you. But that mean I must be extremely cautious and correct bugs like the one that soil your pants if you take these out, to avoid softlock. And maybe add more washing machine to the world. I'd love to have feedback from you about how you feel the NPC should react to some states ! 
  •  Improve existing systems. The food and drink system are the most obvious ones for now, because I don't think the player have enough incentive to eat/drink. But I also need to finish the money system to make it matter a bit most (if you need to eat/drink more, you'll need money). About the incontinence system, I'd love to have some feedback from you guys. My main concern is make sure the accidents feels good and not like a number rolling. I want to avoid the "full gauge - instant voiding" situation and be sure they feel unpredictable. 
  • A lot of small stuffs that I pushed aside like being able to save the haircut or seeing the player name pop correctly in dialogs. 

That's it ! If you feel like I'm forgetting a major point that you'll want to see improved, don't hesitate to let me know. This is a good opportunity to make the game sturdier before diving deep into the next content rush. 

See ya! 



thank you for the dev log, and may I add maybe some way to stop the player from spamming the potty to get maturity back?