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Hey everyone,

So, as I guessed, I took about one week to finish integrating the boy character to the game. It was much more seamless that I feared, but I still had a lot of things to check to make sure everything was working fine.

I had to make sure to reproduce the animations while still make it feel more boyish. I'm pretty satisfied with it, since I got the experience from the girl character I feel like I got it more polished.

The main hassle was to make sure all the equipment system was working. Now, for each item used, I have to check the gender so the game can be sure of which mesh to use. It didn't took too long to develop, but I spend quite the time to test it and make sure it doesn't affect too much the game.

What also took a fair bit of time was adding the boy to the UI : to the character creation menu at the start, and make sure the silhouette in the statut menu is fitted.

So, now the next stop is the save system ! I'm gonna work on theses slots and I don't think it'll take too long. I hope to have tackled this before friday so I can spend the week-end diving into the systems enhancements. Until then, see ya ! 



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