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Hey everyone,

The last release was a millestone, as it ended the first "level" of content (what came before being more like a tutorial). So, before diving deep again in dev and rushing my head straight, I want to pause just for a moment to ask you guys your opinion about what should be my immediate focus.

Basically, I see two main options : 

1) Continue to dive deep into content, and focusing on the next level and side quests, while improving QoL and cosmetics when I got a chance, like I'm doing now.

2) Take a small break from content to push forward some QoL improvements. There's a fews over my head that can make the game significantly better but that I pushed aside for now because the time investment was big, namely :

- Create more save slots and correct some bugs with the save system ( ie hairs being not saved )

- Improve the dialog, make it recognize when you're naked for example to give a better sense of immersion. 

- Improve a bit the food system; while the continence system should be quite okay, I feel like the need to eat and drink is not really enforced since I balanced it really large. The goal is to give you an incentive to eat and drink ( maybe a small boost speed?)

- Finish the sell system so you can gain money

- Last but not least, make a boy option playable. This one is a big big one that I'm a bit dreaded to begun. It's not that hard to implement, but I'll need a lot of time to duplicate all the clothes to fit a boy mesh, find or create hairs options, fit all the existings animations to a new body, and then make sure every system in the game can handle this. So to be honest, I think this one alone will probably take around one week.  

So, let me know what you'd like the most between more content and more QoL, and if you see any others things that should get focus, you can leave a comment or drop me a message.

 I'm letting the poll open till the end of the week, and in the meantime I still have a lot to do with the roadmap for the next level !



Its a great chunk. Polish what you have then move forward. It will make things far easier to progress if you don't have to rework the entire game near the end.