Narrative through level design (Patreon)
Hey everyone,
I nearly finished my building work. I think this area will be far more interesting as far as narrative goes. I had a lot of fun building what a coherent mansion will be. So, you'll be able to wander outside the mansion, visit the basement, and feel like the place you go are a bit more credible, what I found the last area a bit lacking.
I also decided to add a ceiling here, because I want the "adult" part feel a bit more oppressive, so the lantern will probably be very usefull !
So, what is my primary idea for this place for now, is that you will need to rush through corridors and rooms while looking for a way to the exit, as your bladder and bowel will get under pressure. Of course, as this is a more mature part, any accident will lead to the ghost nanny and you'll get punished ! So I need to make sure there's a lot of toilet on the way, and balance the pressure so you're not just rushing everywhere without taking a bit of time to explore.
So, now that the level is mostly complete, I'll be able to try out all theses gameplay ideas ! I think the balance between pressure and good explorating pace will be quite hard to nail but I'll do my best.