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Hey everyone,

I nearly finished my building work. I think this area will be far more interesting as far as narrative goes. I had a lot of fun building what a coherent mansion will be. So, you'll be able to wander outside the mansion, visit the basement, and feel like the place you go are a bit more credible, what I found the last area a bit lacking.

I also decided to add a ceiling here, because I want the "adult" part feel a bit more oppressive, so the lantern will probably be very usefull ! 

So, what is my primary idea for this place for now, is that you will need to rush through corridors and rooms while looking for a way to the exit, as your bladder and bowel will get under pressure. Of course, as this is a more mature  part, any accident will lead to the ghost nanny and you'll get punished ! So I need to make sure there's a lot of toilet on the way, and balance the pressure so you're not just rushing everywhere without taking a bit of time to explore. 

So, now that the level is mostly complete, I'll be able to try out all theses gameplay ideas ! I think the balance between pressure and good explorating pace will be quite hard to nail but I'll do my best. 




the new area seems really cool, but now im wondering. if the scissors and needle are in the haunted house, and the haunted house is the immature route. wouldnt that make it impossible to open the clothes store on the mature route? unless you can either go to both places or the mature route has a different solution.


Good point. For now I'll duplicate the items to not make a roadblock but I think it would be cool to have some route that have exclusive items.


Or just have recurring ways to increase/decrease maturity. Like making it to the bathroom on time or choosing mature/immature dialogue options with people.


A most welcome addition to this development journey. Its fun to watch it in progress. It will be even more fun to playtest Any odds of the ghost nanny force feeding/dressing you if you get caught?


It's an interesting idea. Of course being caught with soiled pants must have consequences.


Late post, but I really do like what you've done with the lighting/shadow effects. Collision detection is on point as well. Overall its very good. Question for collision detection though. In the haunted house maze you made use of map design where you could only access certain rooms by climbing stairs then dropping off of open spots. How hard would it be to make a 'crawl' mechanic where you have to crawl under low spaces?


A crawl skill is on my roadmap. Probably for the next level. Maybe a "baby" exclusive move? It can lead to some interesting level design.


If you make it a 'little' exclusive move, then certain areas of the map will be impossible to get to using a 'mature' playthrough. Though what would be interesting IMO is crawling slowly increasing your immaturity score. This would mean players trying to go the mature rout would get a built in minigame trying to reduce the amount of time using that skill when its needed.