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Hey everyone,

I made some good progress on the gameplay logic theses last days. I figured out the critical path and the bonus stuff just like the maze, and began implementing the logic behind. 

This time, there won't be any roaming ghosts to hinder you,but various traps to slow you down the way.

The main loop of the area will be to find how to unlock the next part of the mansion, looking for clues. You can try to go in blind, pulling lever and stuff, but... bad things could happen !

For now I finished an enema trap that will dramaticaly increase your need to go. If you have any other traps idea, don't hesitate to let me know !

Working on that made me think of the opportunity to upgrade my version of unity. It's quite technical but I was working on an old, stable version but I was lacking some nice tools, especially on the shader side. So I spend a little time upgrading, checking if that didn't break too much things. I'll have to double check that but now I can work with nicer effect like that smoke when something is popping up .

Nothing too spectacular, but I expect it will allow me to add nice little touch like that when needed. 

So, with all of that said, I'm back to work ! I still have a lot to do. 




I don't normally give suggestions for scenes since I normally feel self indulgeant just asking for things I would like to see. But since you asked for trap ideas, I have a few suggestions. Feel free to ignore them if they're infeasable, I'm not aware of how difficult it would be to add things like a model or animation, so yknow. Since the manor is the mature route, you could contrast it with the ghost house in that the ghosts there expected you to be infantile and desired it, but you could make the ghosts in the manor act a bit more condescending since you're "supposed" to be more mature and certain actions might mean you've failed to live up to that expectation, because that means your player didn't do something they were supposed too. You could actually make them more like punishments like being feed prunes or being paddled or something. You could also do something like they put you in a dedicated childrens room where you're supposed to be in a playpen or rocking horse or bouncer or something. Though stuff like that I think is better shown then simply stated and I dont know how much of an ask it would be to animate stuff like that. I think some more animation in parts of the game could be nice, make the ghosts look a bit more animate, and I'd personally like to see at least somethin' like laying down for a change. But also that kind of thing if its an option is the kind of thing that takes time to do anyways so yknow, take it as you will, do what you want. Hope this was in any way useful.


Thank you for your suggestions. I'm always glad to have feedback so you don't have to feel self-indulgent or anything like that. I'm fully aware that the game will benefit a lot from more animations - changing diapers is a key one of course. Even for various NPC, it bring a sense of life. As you guessed, it take a tremendous amount of time to build a complex animation like a change. That doesn't mean it's a no-no, far from it. My first plan on that regard is to hire an animator to do that work so I can concentrate on others things. And if I don't find one ready to work on ABDL stuff...I'll do it myself anyway ! As for your other suggestions, I'll see how I can blend some with already laid-out plan. I like the idea of a condescending ghost.