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Hello everyone,

I'm pretty happy with this week. I didn't make any progress in term of main storyline, but I put together a few things that was pretty lacking to give world a better feel.

First, the supermarket interior is done, even if I'm still tweaking a few things. It contain a grocery store, for general purpose like food...and simple brand diapers, of course. There's also a clothing store, and an arcade zone. Both of theses two stores will be closed at the start, and you'll be able to unlock theses with a side quest. 

Speaking of store, I also made available the coffee that you encounter at the start of the game. 

All of theses stores are functionnal, and you can spend money to buy items. I'm still designing how money will be gained but the system is working well.

Last but not least, since I rewamped how the scenes are loading, I decided to enhance the start of the game. So I started to open a bit character customization with some hairs I had available. You can choose your name (it will be used later on dialogue), hair style, and hair color. 

That's it for now ! Now I'm going to populate theses new places with NPC and began putting some side quests in to expand content. 



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