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Fun fact: CERN ( or sern how they say it in the anime) is actually a real thing based in Europe

FTN Chicken

Similarly the IBM 5100 is a real computer from the '70s (IBN in the anime for copyright reasons, I assume)


John Titor was also a real internet personality in 2000-2001. Someone used that pseudonym online while claiming to be a time traveler back in the day.


Hi, I love watching your reactions! Just some trivia, Makise Kurisu (red-haired girl) lived in America; her first name 'Kurisu', is katakana (Japanese form) for 'Kris / Chris' so hopefully, that makes it easier for you guys to remember/say her name. It's also why Okarin was calling her Christina haha. Also, yes Ange, that 'Kamehameha' you saw was someone's handle name and likely a reference to DBZ 😂


And time travel is also a real thi-... oops i said too much, nvm

Russell Gambardella

The reason Okarin calls Makise Kurisu "Christina" is because 'Kurisu' sounds like 'chris' and he decides to add 'tina' to it to make it like the English name. It was something I didn't realize until about halfway through my first watch through lol

souma shou

all of SERN's inventions really do exist and ange you would be surprised at what high level physics entails


A lot of people give up on this show early on. It has a painfully confusing and slow start, and s sense of humor that doesn’t work for everyone. However, I promise the pay offs will come and you’ll be wishing there was more when you’re done. Think of Silco or Mel from Arcane. Characters that the writers deliberately made you dislike and mistrust during the earlier parts of the show. But by the end you really learn to appreciate the, especially because of that initial dislike. Stein’s Gate has that in everything. Everything is confusing and hard to follow. But these pains just make everything sweeter at the endd.

Philipp Scheuer (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-26 10:50:01 Steins;Gate is actually based on a video game instead of a manga. Also, there is a second anime called Steins;Gate 0, although I'm sure I'm not the first one to tell you about it. I really liked it and it has fairly good ratings, so maybe it something to watch afterwards, given you end up liking this one.
2023-03-16 09:18:59 Steins;Gate is actually based on a video game instead of a manga. Also, there is a second anime called Steins;Gate 0, although I'm sure I'm not the first one to tell you about it. I really liked it and it has fairly good ratings, so maybe it something to watch afterwards, given you end up liking this one.

Steins;Gate is actually based on a video game instead of a manga. Also, there is a second anime called Steins;Gate 0, although I'm sure I'm not the first one to tell you about it. I really liked it and it has fairly good ratings, so maybe it something to watch afterwards, given you end up liking this one.


Makise coming back to find out if her sexual harasser is an actual sexual harasser. Not a great idea, girl 🤣 . I know she has more reasons but it was a very weird thing to say.


6:55 OK Mayuri is the one to have committed the most blatant sexual harassment towards Makise so far tbh.


I AM JOHN TITOR hahah you guys are killing me once again, you're actually pretty sharp in your observations (that's as much as I can say without spoilers...). Carlie, you need to stop worrying about seeming stupid, no one thinks you're stupid :D it's a confusing show for sure.


I would watch you guys rewatch the show lol

FTN Chicken

Imagine being just a regular nerdy physicist at CERN and learning there’s a whole anime in Japan accusing you of being part of a secret organization hellbent on taking over the world through time travel and miniature black hole

Matsumoto Erkin

I feel like if you guys switch to dub your enjoyment would be very much increase since yall seems to be trying hard to get every detail which is understanable. As you have seen in the comments, Steins Gate dub is considered one of the best so if you switch to it I don't think anyone will complain and yall will also have better time enjoying the show. also fun fact: John Titor, slef claimed time traveler from Future, IMB1500 , CERN and all related technology mentioned in the show does actually exist. John Titor in real life actually also talked about IBM machine


Yup, we're still in the confusing and complicated bit of the show. It's normal to have multiple theories going in and out of your brains throughout the show. I'm surprised we haven't seen you guys whip out the journal like you used to on AoT way back when. I can understand, though, that it would be a hassle and a less enjoyable watching experience. I do love the theories you guys have though!

Carlie & Ange

The journal will DEFINITELY make a return with this series so we can get the full experience. However, it’ll likely be the brainstorming after the reaction.


I am watching this in dub for the first time and then switching to sub with the reactions. The dub is no slouch though, you have to follow but it's definitely easier.


Well if you saw the rest of the email they were conversing about how Goku is the ultimate GOAT. I assume that's the case because I don't read Japanese. 🤣

The Great Santini

It is unbelievable how much of the basic stuff y’all miss like names and whatnot. I’d suggest breaking out the book again if it’s that hard to keep track of first names. Also, I think it’s worth mentioning that Okarin is just “acting” with the fake phone conversation stuff. I feel like you are supposed to realize that early on. He’s just living out his mad-scientist fantasy.

The Great Santini

The Steins Gate dub is terrible. This is a show that is incredibly Japanese at its CORE. It takes place in Akihabara for heavens sake. I’m pretty sure they’re used to reading subtitles by now, yeah? I think they just need to focus more on the show and save the “reacting” for the quiet moments and the post-episode discussions. That’s just my opinion though.

The Great Santini

Idk man I think back to when I first watched it when I was in my early 20s and it wasn’t THAT confusing. Granted, I literally LIVED through the IRL John Titor hoax back in the early days of the widespread internet (like y2k if I remember?). My cousin and I were OBSESSED with Titor’s posts and we had the highest hopes that it was real lol. Either way, though. The show is not that confusing. You just have to use your head and think a bit. Even in this episode, Titor explained how the time travel works.