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Another original script! I'll be posting it for Patrons as soon as I'm done with a few clean-ups; it poured out of me in about an hour without my permission, so it's kind of a mess. Adjusting to having a brain that works again can be something of a roller coaster!

In the meantime, I hope you enjoy the audio! 😇

ETA: new thumbnail, because I'm fickle

Taking In a Flustered, Troubled Tomboy!

You’re working the graveyard shift when a drop dead adorable tomboy comes into your convenience store! She’s in trouble, her life sucks, and she could totally use a knight in shining armor right about now. Luckily, you’re just the right type to help make her terrible night better.

[F4A] [Slightly Neurotic] [Tomboy-ish Voice] [Damsel in Distress] [She Needs You, More Than You Know] [Knight in Shining Armor] [Kind Listener] [Rescue] [Reverse Comfort] [Rescuing Her] [Offering Her Dinner] [Inviting Her Home] [Trust Issues] [Revealing Secrets] [Fun Surprises] [just playing around with all those low stakes, sweet “sticking your neck out for a cute stranger” tropes] [:3]

  • Performer: Vanilla Velvet Audio, with an assist from Juniper Justice Bro
  • Script by: Vanilla Velvet Audio
  • SFX: https://freesound.org all under public domain/CC0 licenses
  • Keypad Fail SFX by PMBROWNE, under a CC4.0 license



That was very smart, and also very evil. Good work though, I didn't catch on until it was too late!


Had me at Italian food, who in their right mind denies a fine plate of spaghetti :3