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How is it already almost the end of the month???

Hi, everyone! It's time for some updates! 

First, this week's originally planned audio (with a script by our own TheYounglingSlayer!) has been pushed back a week due to scheduling conflicts. Juniper agreed to appear in it (yay!), but we couldn't get together in time to record for this week even though we really tried. I'm bummed, but it unfortunately comes with that whole adults-with-jobs thing. :( 

I did manage to snag some recording time with her brother, whose hours lined up somewhat better with mine, so I got some lines from him in the can for that! I also got some lines from him for a new script that I wrote over the weekend, and the lines I needed for the Mad Scientist Wife sequel. 

I had been planning to slot the new script on July 12th, but now that I'm sort of scrambling for an alternate audio for this week, it'll be coming out tomorrow instead. It's just the easiest to produce on a tight deadline right now because SOMEONE (me) keeps writing complex scripts (also me) with multiple characters (still me) that are complicated to make (damn it, me!)

Here's the thumbnail for that: Taking In a Flustered, Troubled Tomboy!

I'll be posting that in early access tomorrow, as well as the script!

Speaking of future audios, I had an idea for the Mad Scientist Wife to make it into a longer series, but I'm waffling on whether or not to go through with it; you can vote on its fate right here, if you want!

Anyway, right now the schedule over the next few weeks is:

  • June 28: Taking In a Flustered, Troubled Tomboy!
  • July 5: Your Bounty Hunter Best Friend Needs You (script by our very own TheYounglingSlayer!)
  • July 12: Living With Your Own Damsel in Distress
  • July 19: ???
  • July 26: Your Yandere Mad Scientist Wife is In Trouble!

I would post the Damsel/Mad Scientist scripts back to back, but I figured two sequels in a row would be a bit much! So I'll have to find something else to fill that slot. Preferably something that I can animate in the new video style.

In July I'll also be starting to think about Here for the Boos content, and narrowing down script possibilities, since that event is moving into September. The real work of recording and editing will start in August. It'll be interesting to see how a Monster-y/Spooky event performs a whole month before Halloween. I hope it does well; the last couple years with an Oct/Dec/Feb event schedule were just too hectic, and I really can't keep it up.

Finally: Spicy Velvet Pin-Up #2 is paid for and on the way! I went back to AsamiChanArt who did the first pin-up, and based on the turnaround time for that, the new one should be here in a few days. Hopefully by the start of July? We'll see!

I have nothing else of real value to add this week, other than it's hot where I am, and if it's hot where you are too, I hope you're keeping cool. Eat lots of ice cream and drink lots of Gatorade for me!





Ppl do please eat the ice cream and drink gatorade in moderation. Someone has been struck with the worst case of tummy ache (the 2nd part of me). Good update as usual velvet


Oh my God, you were actually able drag Juniper in for the script?! I'm kinda fan girling rn!