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SO I FIND MYSELF IN A PICKLE. A pickle of my own making. The worst kind of pickle, because I can blame no one but myself!

I recently posted the sequel script for Your Yandere Mad Scientist Wife Duplicated Herself. (You can read the sequel here, if you like!) And the final draft is complete with a happily ever after!

At least...I thought it was the final draft. I sat with the ending for a few days and then tragedy struck! 

Which brings me to my self-made pickle: I have had a horrible idea. Not horrible in the sense that it's bad, horrible in the sense that I like it and it creates some major complications. The writing gremlins in my brain have whipped up an alternate ending to the sequel script, something that leaves room for those two parts to become a slightly longer series. (3? 4?)

If I do give in to the (terrible! awful! oh god) series idea I have, Part 2 will need to be revised to end badly for the characters. And I'm not even sure the series will ever get a "happy" ending as a result of what would need to happen in part 2.

I've had two ideas for the "bad" cliffhanger that would potentially end Part 2: 

1.) The Logical Wife intentionally sabotaged the duplicator and comes out the other side as the only personality. (The others are stored in the computer's databank, so they can eventually be restored. They are not dead.)

2.) The duplicator malfunctions and the current five wives split into even more.

Hell, with a longer series, I could potentially even do both. ;_;

So basically the options are: Part 2 as it currently is, with a happy ending! Or...a potential series, with a temporary cliffhanger, and no guarantee of 100% happiness ever again. (A 90-95% happiness rate is about as high as we'd be likely to get, I think?)

I leave the decision in your hands. Because I am bad at them.



It would be interesting to see what ideas and direction the story could go if it was longer, might as well indulge the writing gremlins this time, much love Vel.


I loved this one, it was so fun. I would enjoy to see it become a longer running series.