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Good evening, Patrons! It’s time for this week’s planning and update post. First on the agenda is a sneak peek at this week’s audio: Serving a Dorky Evil Queen!

Is the script silly? Oh, you betcha! I didn't have time to record over the weekend as I initially planned, so I'll be doing that and editing tonight in one long cram session. Luckily, I have a free day tomorrow, a lot of energy drinks and an overabundance of hubris. Wish me luck! 

I will be fighting the urge to channel this old Kids in the Hall sketch the entire time. (I got into TKitH this year with the Amazon revival. I'm only what, 30 years late?) Which I'm sure is what everyone wants from their audio roleplay, some strange girl vamping and doing her best Kevin McDonald. Not for the first time I realize I make very weird performance choices.

Anyway! This week's audio is settled, but the rest of September is a blank! Last night I posted a poll to fix that, so if you haven't voted yet, please do! Go pick your top three favorite script possibilities for the rest of the month. 💖

In Here for the Boos news... I've settled on a thematic schedule for October. Mondays and Fridays will be for more diverse monster girls (or monstrous girls!) while Wednesdays will be reserved for thematically appropriate yandere scripts.

I've whittled down the potential script list considerably as well. Here's the current selections, including original scripts I hope to finish in time:

Monster Girls/Monstrous Girls:

  • Cute Lamia Coworker Cares For You
  • Overprotective T-Rex girlfriend Worries About You
  • Flirty Kitsune Friend Cuddles You During a Storm
  • Your Girlfriend Totally Isn’t a Zombie
  • Vampire Roommate Begs for Warmth
  • Stuck With Your Roommate When the Zombie Apocalypse Starts
  • Waking Your Bear Girl Wife from Hibernation
  • Big Bad Wolf Girl Falls for You
  • Awkward Demon Girl Sleepover
  • Spirited Away by a Mysterious, Charming Stranger on Halloween
  • Reluctant Symbiote Binds to You
  • Countess Bathory Invites You Inside
  • Scientist Tries To Rehabilitate You (A.I. listener)

Yandere Scripts:

  • Lured By a Yandere Mermaid
  • Your Sweet Guardian Angel Turns Yandere Succubus For You!
  • Yandere Werewolf and Vampire Fight Over You
  • Out on a Date with Your Non-Yandere Wife (yandere listener)

Original Scripts:

  • Plucky Slime Girl Asks for Your Help
  • Meeting a Tsundere Frog Princess
  • Untitled "The Fog" inspired horror script

It's a much more reasonable list than what I was poking through last week! I'm pretty satisfied with the mix of monsters, I think. There are a few tried and true crowd-pleasing classics I've already done (vamp, wolf, kitsune, lamia) and a lot more offbeat picks to round out the bunch.

That said, I'm trying to remain flexible. A lot of script writers don't actually start putting out spooky stuff until October, so I want to make sure I have wiggle room if something comes along that I simply can't turn down. I'm also hopeful a few other writers will get back to me about early access as October gets closer and I start recording, because that would open up a few more options.

Additionally, I find that usually a couple of scripts stick out to me as the clear "winners" when I'm planning an event, and I can sort of predict which are likely to do well based on tropes/themes, but that's not the case this time. I really don't know how this batch of audios will be received! We'll see how things shake out down the line.

And finally, in much less fun news: youtube has updated their adult content policies in ways that will affect ASMRtists and have started cracking down on audio. If you didn't already know, I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news! Brace yourself: many of your favorite ASMR channels might get their knuckles rapped by the youtube gods. (Myself included!) I'm not looking forward to the potential carnage that lies ahead, with videos and channels getting struck down left and right. It's gonna be brutal. :/ 

Which I suppose means it's time to finally pen a post I've been thinking about doing, to talk about steering clear of rule violations and all the steps I've taken while running my channel to avoid the ban hammer. There is a lot of stuff to navigate as a content creator trying to play by the rules without bending them, and things just got more complicated. 

...welp! That's a fun note to end this post on, huh? Sorry for the last minute downer, everyone. Uhhh...here! Have a picture of one of my favorite ridiculous animals to cheer you up:

Potoos make everything better. At least a little.

I'll see you for early access tomorrow!





I feel like that bird is gonna haunt my nightmares lol I'm sorry for the potential damage youtube is about to unleash on the asmr community, hopefully you get by unscathed, i know some artists post their videos or audios online on patreon or other sites when they get taken down, maybe that can be an alternative. We'll see how things go and then you can take the appropriate steps going forward so you can continue what you're great at and we can continue to support you. Much love and take care.