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There's no scenery left in the world, for I have chewed it all. I found the top and went over it. Both ways. Uphill. In the snow. Evilly. 

And now, without further ado: Serving a Dorky Evil Queen

An evil sorceress has taken over the kingdom and made you her chancellor! You should be terrified but it’s hard to feel menaced by such a total dork. Still, you’d better brace yourself! Now that she’s in charge there’ll be some changes made around here! Evil, evil changes! Or…mostly evil. Partially evil. Kind of good but with really eeeeevil intentions? That still counts, right?

[F4A] [Dorky] ["Evil" Queen Speaker] [Servant (later Neko? listener] [Silly] [Cartoony] [Wholesome] [Platonically vibing] [Fantasy setting] [Maniacal Laughter] [Eeevil Pie] 

  • Performer: Vanilla Velvet Audio
  • Script by: Timeraft on reddit
  • SFX: https://freesound.org all under public domain/CC0 licenses




I'm not quite convinced that this is a script and not just Vel being herself for 12 minutes!


I'd like to think I would make a far more effective evil queen! But who am I kidding, I definitely wouldn't. There would probably be just as much baking, though.


I just started it, and already the “Evil” Queen is giving me Giovanni Potage (from Epithet Erased*) vibes. And I love it!!! Also, I can totally see the Listener/Chancellor choosing to “beg” by flatly just saying, “Oh no, please. Don’t do that, you’re highness. Anything but that.” Also… should we tell the Queen that crows are actually known to be family-oriented and to mourn their dead? Which isn’t really “evil” is it? *Note: Yes, I will mention Epithet Erased in the next monthly talk.