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(This is a repost; multiple choice voting was broken on the last one! Sorry about that!)

Hi, all! It's time for everyone's favorite game show: Make Up Velvet's Mind!

(We need a catchier title. We'll never sweep the ratings with a name like that!)

While I have this week's audio all lined up, September 21 & 28 remain TBA, so I thought now would be the perfect time for a patron exclusive vote!

Script Possibilities:

#1: Imprisoned Supervillain Controls Your Mind To Escape...is a hypnosis script set in a superhero universe. A minor villain with telepathic powers is in prison, being punished with a helmet meant to control her. You're a guard in charge of keeping her locked up. In a moment of weakness, you remove the helmet and find yourself at her mercy! She escapes and takes over the prison, offering you a place at her right hand! Will you take her up on the offer?
#2: Enemy Ruler Confesses Her Feelings After Being Captured And Forced To Drink Truth Potion...is an enemies to lovers script. You're a notorious assassin  with the royal leader of your enemies in your grasp! Rather than torture her for information, you decide on a more elegant solution: a truth potion. But what she has to admit is a lot less useful than enemy troop movements: her bitter hatred masks the fact that she's in love! With you!
#3: Your Loving Girlfriend Is Secretly Brainwashing You?!...is a hypnosis script with psychological horror/yandere elements. Your girlfriend has been doing hypnosis sessions with you for awhile to help you relax! Or so she says--but you have your suspicions that everything isn't what it seems. She's been brainwashing you! Or...has she?
#4: Making Your Tsundere Mech Pilot Confess...is a futuristic script set in a world where mecha pilots fight kaiju. The speaker is a high strung, emotionally closed-off tsundere pilot who denies having a crush on her mechanic, the listener. Unfortunately for her, said mechanic has a recording of her confessing her feelings and is willing to force the issue! This script has belligerent sexual tension galore, grumpy kisses and a hint of spice.
#5: Falling for Your Royal Guard...is a friends-to-lovers script in a fantasy world. You're the beloved but overprotected heir to a small kingdom. All you want is the freedom to explore your realm...but when you finally make a break for it, your personal knight catches you! And she's none too pleased with your shenanigans! There's kissing to hide from the other guards, spending time together incognito, and some heavy flirtation. This script also has several sequels that go in some action-packed directions! I'll either do the first and the sequels somewhere down the line, or try to do them all at once if I have the time.
#6: Flirty Yandere Personal Trainer Guides Your Workout...is just what it says on the tin! A flirty athletic girl (with yandere tendencies!) helps you get through a punishing workout. Strong ara ara vibes and a bit of spice in this one! (Maybe even too much for youtube, but we'll see!)

Vote for your top three favorites! The two scripts that get the most votes will be posted in September, the others will get bumped back in the schedule to...who knows when? November? December? The year 2525, if man is still alive? Who can say. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ We'll see!


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