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Bryce Carlson

Holden's "plan" regarding the Caliban is effectively going "Captain Ahab." However, he's not in armor but he has an MCRN frigate that he's flying.

Bryce Carlson

Actually, the reason that Strickland is using Mei, and other children is that their genetic illness allows him to exert control over the Caliban. Or so they said in the book.


Wow spoilers for days here Mr Bryce


Expanse TTRPG is great, I've been in a campaign for about six months and loved every minute.


Also, I think the reason Bobbie could pull off the escape with such relative ease is that she was supposed to be under direct personal guard, but took him out. I don't think they would have told all embassy guards and staff that she was on lockdown, because that would naturally create questions about WHY she was on lockdown. I'm guessing her status was sort of a need-to-know thing to minimize any potential issue, and so she was able to get a little time before someone "in the know" realized she was missing/escaping. I also think of my dad's advice for sneaking backstage at concerts back in the day: "Look like what you're doing is more important than what they're doing and they'll never ask any questions." She's also just a damn good marine.


Is that dinosaur licking that other dinosaur's ass? The answer is always yes.

Ashley Snow

Clarus was 💯 about the backpack 😂. I’ve seen this episode so many times and never noticed it. But agreed, Amos and the grenade scene was great. And no, they don’t fuck it up like GOT season 8 lol.

Jonny shaw

S2E7 - Anderson Dawes: "Ha.. You remind me of someone. Just missing the hat, that's all". Miller's one-track mind and focus, combined with Holden's PTSD from Eros has basically made Holden act like Miller in his hunt to destroy the Protomolecule. Honestly, you guys are about to watch some seriously, seriously good TV from here on out. Next one is a special one among the fans, of which you'll know why soon. It's just beautiful. Oh, and in case nobody has mentioned it already, 3x5 and 3x6 have to be watched together as it's the end of book 2. Trust me on this, you'll be gagging for it if you have to wait a week to watch.

Quark's Bar

I read the first three books after watching the show, and I will say that as good as book 2 was, the show does an even better job with it, particularly with Errinwright. What a character.

Gaius Frakking Baltar

When this episode first aired, somebody posted a funny thread on The Expanse subreddit called "What the hell is going on in Mei's backback?" Btw, the creator of the backpack animation made a short video featuring Misko and Marisko to help promote the #SaveTheExpanse campaign after the SyFy network cancelled it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWeai6OlTIc

matthew h

After this episode first aired, I remember hearing an interview with Frankie Adams (Bobbie). She got a little too forceful during the fight scene and shoved the other actor into the TV screen, breaking it. That wasn't scripted and the TV wasn't a prop. The other actor went with it but needed medical attention afterwards. Frankie was perfect casting for this role.

Richard Craig

The next episode what happens on Ganymede makes me cry every time. So touching.


I feel like this episode marks the beginning of my favorite stretch of the show all the way through season 3. I think Nerdy will agree with Clarus about this becoming their all time favorite show pretty soon.

Joe G

I'm not sure what the policy is on posting video links but there are some awesome behind the scenes, discussion, and related videos for the Expanse on Chris Danelon's youtube channel.


I *think* what happened with Bobby is that they didn't actually issue any orders about her, otherwise they'd have to say *why* and nobody wants anything on the record about that. When the soldiers went after her, I suspect Martens or his sentry came round and loosed the guards.

Tom M

Alex. He is a sailor of the show, a show which like many sf series in space has some of 'naval vibe'. Sailors are often emotionally attached to their ships, I guess it works more with the English language because a ship is a 'she'. I would argue that the Rocinante is one of characters in the series much like the Serenity in Firefly, though there are other ship characters in the Expanse. Amos and the granade. Amos is very fast and reacts like many experienced soldiers do in a stressful situation when reacting in a second can save you or kill you. Throwing a granade back is one of more obvious, though difficult reactions in combat. Bobbie. I think that with her character we slowly learn how much Mars actually sucks. There are some good things about its distinct civilisation, but it is not a great place to live. I find Draper a very interesting character, especially as a different point of view in some situations - the first proverbial Martian we have in this show who doesn't just die. Alex is something else spending so much time on the Canterbury far away from Martian society, its military and government. Her escape can be explained in many ways, but here is just one - on Mars you obey and trust the state, so any act of rebellions seems weird and unexpected. In a way it is like with the Prussian state where trust in a uniform of armed forces was so great anyone wearing it could easily exert authority leading to weird, funny but also horrible consequences. When Bobbie was leaving the place - she was leaving so obviously she was authorised to do so. Rebelliion is unthinkable and only extreme circumstances led her to this act of disobedience. Take care!


I would buy this if she hadn't just very publicly escaped. We know the Martian authorities were sent to search for her once already.