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Sync up for some Of The FlashBacks we wanted!!!!



Kristof Molnar

- I don’t know but IMO the show’s “magic system” always made sense to me and I found it logical if you follow the details - Armin had no choice. He says that Eren would’ve attacked alone if they weren’t there to support him. They obviously can not lose the Founding Titan or else Eldia is doomed. If Armin turns without explosion the warships with their weapons tear him apart. The navy was ready for engagement. We saw in the first episode of the season how devestating the naval guns are. - They keep Zeke on a leash for obvious reasons. I mean we’ve seen him massacre Eldians so there’s nothing else to be said. Of course they don’t trust him. He could still be working for Marley for all they know or could have motives which go against theirs. I think you guys are going to be surprised positively in later episodes. It feels like the show may not have enough episodes to develop a coherent and strong narrative but I think you’ll be surprised.

L8er Bìtch

I mean idk what to say, this isn't a story of hope this a story about the cruelty of war and the dangers of generational trauma, and I thought you guys got that, but you know, it's completely fair if a story like that doesn't click with you guys, I just hope you finish the show, and I know there are gonna be some episodes you guys will ABSOLUTELY love, but just a fair warning, this show is very deeply depressing, and very dark. And please, don't pay mind to all the people trying to slander you for not enjoying the same shit they enjoy.

Xavier Whitt

It’s gonna get a lot deeper in many ways stay hopeful 👌🏽


Only because show never told you something, that doesn't mean it won't happen, be open to the idea that everything can happen and everyone has their own plan. Don't be so focused on the rumbling. And to why they did what they did, Armin kind of started talking about it in this episode about Eren and the time but it was short episode just wait for more lore stuff. And feel free to speculate on how they should did something. This show will never get you the right answer you just have to work with what you got, side with people you hate the least. This show brings so much to discuss and for me is fun to try to solve the problem and finding more and more solutions so I like having conversations with people about if certain things were possible during that period of time or after they did that or else. Even the rumbling can be discussed further and evaluted on even tho it is a disgusting thing. And I could even think of a few ideas how to handle the situation without the rumbling. Unfortunatelly I can't really talk with you about it cause spoilers and I don't even know you would agree with me, lot of people who watched this are also saying rumbling is only option. And like you said many times even for many people this season is the worst because all their favorite characters are now bad they can't rute for anyone, they don't like the ending. For me this has the be the best season, because of those great character interactions and one of the best character developments that you will ever see. I can assosiate with characters and feel for them cause this season feel more real for me. In the first season I didn't care about the deaths, it was just another fantasy but now I see realistic war and hatred. And this fictive scenario that could have actually happen irl is really interesting to see unfold. You also said in this episode that even if the rumbling happens you want for it to make sense. So if I were to speak about Eren, I honestly hate, I hate what he is doing, I don't agree with him and I think there are other options. I still think that Eren does make sense, what he is saying is understandable, it fits his established character right from season 1, it does make sense. But I do have to disagree with him and hate him.


You can tell Clarus checked out a while ago. She's so confused every episode.


How many people died within the walls? Even then they attempt to learn about the other side of the world and attempt peace. Can you blame them for their actions when the other side won't listen at all and constantly labels them as "devils"? The thing is they aren't wrong either. The Eldians ruled with the power of titans for thousands of years, trampling over many different people and cultures.


Wow. YouTube is gonna HATE this episode.

MBH 77

I disagree with the “everyone just sucks” it’s more like there are no good sides or bad sides. It’s grey. They are just put into impossible situations. There are plenty of times where they show the good in Characters such as Falco and Armin etc. Both are obviously against violence. In terms of counter-arguments, don’t worry there’s still 20 eps left in the season for a reason. You’d be surprised the different directions the story will go after this point. There’s still ALOT.


scared to watch this


haven’t watched yet but it’s almost like they ignore what happened in the previous seasons, it’s almost like they’re underestimating how bad the world wants to kill everyone on the island


Stay patient for all the answers you’re looking for! You’re still very early into season 4 and there’s much to come.

Mitchell Edward Newton

It gets there for Eren. I will say, idk if you noticed how he changed over the first 3 seasons. Becoming less passionate and optimisitc and more reserved. Season 4 is the coup de grace but I will say it will make you appreciate the early seasons. I know Claroos mentioned how the first three seasons felt pointless because of the twist but it essentially contextualizes the entire battle for Paradis as they do a reverse ep1. There's a lot of foreshadowing everyone misses early. A big thing to remember is Zeke having little to no time left as a titan so that forces the whole process to be expedited by the perfect set of conditions. Nailed it on the trauma motivating the characters, Nerdy. It both is and isn't so bleak as you think.

Minerva Ravenclaw

Haven't watched yet but seeing the comments shocked me ... Because I genuinely thought that they will like these episodes... Wow I'ma watch now


Guys I can see their perspectives… more so nerdy than calrus. I’m more pissed at the people who spoiled it for them, and this wasn’t a terrible reaction, they made valid points. W/ or w/o the spoilers I don’t think they would’ve been satisfied w/ the show but it’s certainly weighing in their current enjoyment which sucks. Be better next fandom, if a reactor doesn’t like ur favorite show then so what, u can always dislike their videos and unfollow them, just be more mature

Minerva Ravenclaw

I don't understand the negative comments... I do agree with them that you can't root for anyone because that's how it's meant to be. But again I do not agree that this episode did not give any information. But still In future episodes they'll explain why Eren did what he did ... Just be patient, that's our constant advice 🤣 you need patience. And War casualties happen Clarus (Armin explosion) they're at war! Tybur literally declared war on Paradis Island ...


To be fair, armin doesn’t know that yet. Unless the blimp has a radio and they’re listening


One thing I’ll say though I think context tells u that armin going nuclear mode, and not exploding in colossal titan mode is up to him, as long as he wills it. We’ve seen other titans partially transform or will an ability when transforming


Armin and the scouts weren’t there because of the war starting. They were forced because of Eren. Not tybur, as soon as Eren sent the plan to them, they had to help him. Armin had no choice. It’s either give up the founding to marley, or help Eren.

Hamza Jirrari

Nerdy and Clarus are such good people that they can't enjoy a fictionnel story that contains hatred and violance .

Minerva Ravenclaw

@Clown I know I know, Armin mentioned it in the episode. But what I meant is it happened that war was declared at this moment also. So technically they were at war and collateral damage happened. It's just how it is. Obviously Armin feels guilty and hates what he was forced to do to save Eren and protect the island


"I could go on twitter to see humanity sucks so just saying humanity sucks isn't good " and I could go watch hundreds of series or maybe visit person irl X for positive takes of humanity if wanted too. This holds no actual weight other than a uneven preference for an optimism ,ah yes because Twitter has a multi facited execution of cycle of hatred , and hypocrisy of black and white thinking, inevitably altogether with the same themes ,that parallels the shows first ep 60+ episodes in only possible with a basement plot twist,One grand appeals of the show is how thought provoking it is. Poor reductios and seeming bad faith, superficially speaking of at a "humanity sucks" result rather than execution and specific themes and uniqueness.But your forgetting plot points so I'm not entirely in faith of a good faith synopsis either. The show has shown many interesting things , including payoffs in reference to things in prior seasons creating massive recontextualizations. Anyone who can relate to themes of national and generational trauma , discrimination,oppression, historical relativism and propaganda can relate to what we saw but you are dismissing that , not only does it have these themes but the basement was utilized geniously to bring out specific unique perspectives with these themes that would otherwise be impossible or extremely difficult to bring out together in a story especially a epic battle show . I think the clarification is you don't want to clarify them as interesting clarus.just like how I don't agree that only positive stories to be the only way a story can be interesting. Infact they are less interesting due to unrealistic elements. Additionally if your tastes are only for optimistic , stories with hope always there , than you aren't for appreciating aots unique approach over other shonen in having overwhelming constant tragedy and existential dread. which it made clear was a possibility in terms of vibe since s1. we are now just watching the biggest tragedy unfold, the effects of the basement. Aot uniquely is able to pull off horrific existential dread and action but while also sending messages this arc.Other shonen anime can't do this to this degree .Maybe you should have sticked with the prior basement times longer rather than not really caring about anything until it if you wanted to remain in foreseeable hope zone . That's also the reason why in the basement episode 19 the song in the name of love rewinds back to everything at the scouts have gone through in images up to that point because the basement was going to change everything and to remind the audience of all the good times we've had in preparation, Anyways it seems like since you guys have been spoiled alot you won't be able to perceive this show thru it's natural progression.


26 minutes onwards.. I think it’s funny how they’re quick to rush and guess very specific theories/potential outcomes and quick to call it silly (Clarus) because of the shows “random silly magic” based on zero current context when she was barely keeping up with the current episode 😂 Maybe it has something to do with comments asking for 🥚 at the end of season 3? Despite her troll, low energy approach towards the series nearly every episode now, I know how deep the story goes from here on out and her trying to jump through hurdles to make this show as black and white as she wants it to be will be fun to watch. At least Nerdy is catching on that with more information being revealed, the bigger picture will start making more sense.. and yes the theme of the show is consistent, it is about war and humanity after all but watching answers in real time connect the dots through everyone's motives, will at least be worth the watch for them, I think. Maybe they'll come around, find a way not to judge every single difficult decision from their comfortable morally superior lens or it could equally end up with them hating it with low effort stuff like "that's dumb", "everyone sucks hahaha” at this point. It's a dark mystery anime show that if you’re patient and present enough, and actually try and pick up on clues opposed to bashing it, makes for a good story 🤷🏽‍♂️ Great reaction though, you gotta respect it. Some things they are spot on and have valid criticisms and you can’t fake that genuine interest in their faces when they’re watching, equally as much as the obvious forced hating at the end. Nerdy is gonna have to do a lot of clarifying from here on out lol and before anyone comments saying people are toxic and hating, this is great engagement and there’s nothing wrong with telling the truth.


I think Armin had to hit the civilians because the fleet was spread out and maybe he wanted to hit some on the foot soldiers too Armin can control the radius but it seems he can't explode in a non circular way. So he had to inevitably hit both sides


The Rumbling is not being discussed as an attack, it’s a defense. The rumbling is being discussed to keep invaders from coming to the island so they can have a chance to talk and for peace. Even before Eren attacked Liberio, Marley was getting to attack the island. That’s why one of the reasons they said that they didn’t have a choice. They were going to get invaded either way, so it’s either they activate the rumbling as a threat or sit back and wait to be killed. Eren also didn’t have strength because it’s been said he can transform up to 3 times in season 3. In that one scene where he was hanging out of the Titan body. He didn’t have the energy to risk a fight in a weakened Titan body when he can’t transform a 4th time if needed.


Armin and everyone else on paradise spent 4 years after the basement trying to find a way to negotiate world peace without having to rumble violence they don’t want to be seen as a “threat” they just want peace . But the world won’t give them a chance to talk or listen because of this fear and hate of titans/eldians .


About the marleyan soldiers on coming on boat , most soldiers don’t know the exact status of paradise island . Remember they are used to turning eldians to titans here without any interaction . They don’t see titans or people that far out in the island . So they were surprised to see a Titan pop up n lift their boat


Good reaction though overall,I been enjoying Nerdy express more . He’s really liking this season a lot


Clarus trying to discredit the show “So Zeke and Eren have never met ‘?? Zeke says he never met Eren?!” Nerdy : no that’s not what he saying 🤦🏽‍♂️ he’s saying he want to see Eren . Focus


Clarus trying to discredit the show again “Why is it important . The king peace vow doesn’t even matter” Nerdy : if zeke eats Eren he’ll be trapped by the kings ideals . So they need to team up and fist bump or sumn but to find a way around it . Clarus : ….okay


Can someone tell me what's their upload schedule for aot? (if they have one)

david ammerman

I love seeing nerdy all enthralled in the show 😄

david ammerman

Even had a choice. The scouts had very little choice because they are relying on even and can't allow him to be captured or killed or they're literally fucked

david ammerman

I think it's fair to say that Bertholdt had way more control over the collosal titan. Call it a plot hole but we've seen Bert do like three different transformation. Including a half transformation on the wall. And in 4x3 reiner says how Berthold had no trouble controlling the colossal his first time.


I don't know about root for, there are no easy answers here, But Just because the show posits legitimate reasons for atrocities from both sides committeed by characters to each other with varying degrees of responsibility,doesn't mean it doesn't also appeal to biases we are apparent to have towards our guys. We want them to survive , we see them suffering and feel bad for them but also understand the other sides somewhat now both Marley's, the world's , .but we very morally conflicted about how they are going to do that and that is the one aspect of the mystery that is interesting it's very multifaceted, that's what the show is relying on the thought-provoking complexity that we have suddenly been thrown into . Our characters are now dealing with the fallout and trying to figure out how to go about this world.but yea rooting between the Marley and Eren atm is supposed to be controversial ,It's also supposed to be very existentially dreadful that's just a underlying theme of the story isayama put in " this world is cruel".. the end of season 2 and season 3 part 1 had hope, now with the basement reveal completely reversing expectations we learn aot is a giant tragedy. And now will be tragedy after tragedy


it’s been so long since I seen nerdy actually enjoy this show . Feels good Im almost tearing up 🤧


Guys what Armin means by not having a choice is that after Eren decided to go to Marley and be a captive there, they didn’t have any other choice other than go and help him in his plan, because if they didn’t, Eren would die and paradis would lose only power they had against the whole world not trying to kill them, cuz once Eren is gone with his founding titan the whole world invades them and kills them, so they either need to choose to die or to help Eren out. And no one wants to die, that’s why there was no choice there for the rest of the characters. If they wanted to live, they needed to go and help Eren out


Their YouTube uploads are getting pretty close to their patreon Uploads


Same ,I’m dying waiting for frequent uploads and a schedule for patreon users . They only have a schedule for YouTube users so far .


when is ep10 coming out ?


ep 10 soooon please


At this rate a double whammy would be nice they cud atleast hit us with 2 episodes


Also nerdy btw unlike most fantasy stories aots world building in s4 (and overall )isn't directly supposed to be pretty or immersive , it's bleak and desolate to emphasizes on the humans in it and terrible things happening to justify it's own destruction or human sentiment. I think It creates this own beauty of the human will.s1-3.


That’s it!.. we need a schedule ! Like srsly what’s taking so long?


On Discord they said they will (probably) releasing two AoT reactions per week from now on. So they is more time between the reactions…


I need their discord link because apparently I be missing hella notices , just like their rant at thr end of season 3