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Oh no Gabi.... Sync up feel the PAIN




Even if Zeke , willy tybur or his sister (warhammer titan ) ate Eren . They still can’t use the founders power because of the binding vow on Royal blood members


I like how nerdy be answering all her questions at the end 😂 That was already answered in the episodes . Clarus has been really bugging at the show for the past 3/4 episodes now. She just be throwing questions n comments trying her best to discredit the story

MBH 77

She hasn’t been invested in the show since the basement reveal. It seems like she’s doesn’t take the show seriously anymore. Nerdy is actually enjoying it though. His comments are just harsh.

Anna Kyruin

It will probably be said a million times in the youtube comments, but there are a lot of different versions of the subtitles for what Eren says when he decides not to fight Reiner. The version I think is closest to accurate is "It's not like I can kill Reiner now...". I still see this as Eren feeling like he has too much empathy for what Reiner has been put through to kill him, now that he feels like he was put in a similar position. Also important to point out that the evacuation transport was heading out, and they didn't want to wait for Marley to be able to sortie something that could take it down before they got away. I see this as Eren making a tactical decision to retreat but it being -heavily- influenced by his inability to bring himself to kill Reiner, which he probably felt he would have to do in order to get the jaw back.


you are confused because you missed like 3 times when conversations came up (during the fights), that Eren was on his own and doing this without permission.

Anna Kyruin

Well I think they definitely get that now, they're just struggling with the idea that Paradis went along with his plan up to this point and whether they should have acted differently


That’s super spoilery dude

Fernando Gomez

“Plot convenience” isn’t going to age well. Yes Eren could have eaten the Jaw. Doesn’t mean it’s plot convenient. Y’all say stuff out loud and just roll with it too much.


The "plot convenience" has an explanation. Just wait and watch.


Great reaction and discussion. We don't agree on many things, but that's what makes your reaction unique and interesting. Keep it up!


@Nerdy Eren delayed marleys attack and Armin cripples their navy fleet delaying it even further If Eren didn’t do what he did . Marley would have immediately head for paradise at full force

Minerva Ravenclaw

I don't know why I feel that Clarus has taken fans comments too personally and now she's not slightly invested in the show just out of spite...


great reaction, thanks for the upload

The Quadfather

Eren was always going to do what he did. So Paradis’ choices were: 1. Stay out of it. Let Eren get eaten and wait for death as Marley attacks them with access to the Founding Titan along with the full power of the global alliance. 2. Help Eren so he escapes with the Founding Titan and attempt to cripple Marley’s military and navy in one fell swoop.

The Quadfather

They already explored diplomacy as shown in the flashback later but the world is too racist for that. Marley is barreling towards war since they are losing global standing with advances in anti-titan technology. Nothing Paradise could ever say or do would stop this war since Marley has such a vested interest to maintain their power. So seeing as war is inevitable Eren chose to strike first and not have the war be on Marley’s(or the world’s) terms. That being said I’m not a “Jaegarist” and still think Eren is wrong and fucked up. But it still makes sense from his perspective and isn’t a dumb plan. Just one devoid of any morals and humanity.


you may feel as if there's no need for many more episodes but the rollercoaster hasn't even reached its peak. I think you'll enjoy the ride


Guys.. this is a cool translation fact: Meat in Japanese is Niku (Nic).... Now you do the math later ...


As much as I hate the "meta" analysis of any show.. the death of Sasha is the death of the comic relief.. this change the tone and the stakes for everyone in the show.. As "meta" as Yamir having the selfless off screen death


Eren was never supposed to eat that jaw it was just reframed to make it more epic is one interpretation kind of like isles notebook


When is the next episode drop ?


We haven’t gotten anything since Wednesday 🫠. We need a schedule so I can know what days and stop hoping and guessin lol


fr, it ranges from 1-3 days every new reaction , boutta be 5 for this next one tho


I’m bout to sue Nerdy for losing my patience 🤧 Lol


I do think there's a difference between how you guys care about context and how the original watchers of shonen anime are designed for care about context, rather we care about emotions,fights and impact first rather than technicality. As Daniel greene said about anime fmab "anime is a very over the top kind of medium" i think it's also catered for people that felt other mediums of shows were not over the top enough.


This episode broke my heart. Everyone is a piece of shit, yes. It's the "humans were the real enemy all along," cliche, done over the top, but dammit do I love these characters. Gabi and Sasha most of all. Eren...is the biggest piece of shit, but in a Duke Leto Atredies II, kind of way.