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We finally me t the last Intelligent titan?!? Sync up and meet them tooooo



Xavier Whitt

Might need to reupload this one the slightly blurred screen isn’t up nor the clock 👌🏽


bruh theres literally no way to know if its synced up on this one


beyond annoying, like people are paying for this and they cant even be bothered to add a time stamp?


Hey, I don't want to backseat-watching you or something. But: Magath said all that, to make clear, that he is in charge now. He used that situation to get the lead of Marley. He did not say that because he thinks he is awesome or something. And Willy does not do this for Marley. He is also not responsible for Eldians situation. He is fr young. He knows his family (in the past) fucked up. That's why he said the Eldians of Liberio are gonna be tragic victims. He kinda fetched together all factions (including Eldians outside paradise) and killed off the "incompetend brass" of Marley (Magath is a Marley-criticer himself); so that all people fight together against Paradis. Paradis is more a pawn he will sacrifice for the "greater good". He kinda turnes Paradis to a "Dr. Manhatten"-figure. Not because he seriously hates Paradis people or Eldians in general.


If u were a true fan then would rely on memory to guide u where they are in the reactions. It’s never too late to join the degenerate club 😂


I won’t lie, I’m kind of embarrassed to admit but I was able to follow pretty easily based on memory alone 😅


also not everyone from paradis is onboard with mindless slaughter, the scene with jean arguing with floch about keeping civilian casualties to a minimum is literally setting up for the fact that there are opposing viewpoints amongst the characters ?


For Willy, he was not betraying Eldians completely. In his speech, he was attempting to shift blame from ALL Eldians to the island of Paradis Eldians. That’s why he would use himself and Eldians off the island as a tragic symbol


I’m surprised radicalization hasn’t been mentioned at all as a plot point. People are driven to do and believe really evil stuff with rationalizing what they believe is true or not. Imo this applied very much to the real world too unfortunately


Hey set the stage in the Ghetto willingly sacrificing innocent kids to this declaration. I don't know why you're defending him


Chill bruh, it’s happens, it’s not that deep, they’ll fix it


It's not really a plot point, because everyone already shows up radicalized. We don't really meet anyone, and watch them get radicalized, even Gabi and the new kids already are when we meet them in episode 1 this season. I really want the flash backs that show how Eren got to this point, cause I think it will give us more to talk about in regards to this.


That has nothing to do with the fact that you did not understand Willy’s intentions?!


If y’all don’t care about what happens in the show because of its dark and grim themes, why keep watching? If Paradis doesn’t attack them after announcing war, what do you think are the consequences of not doing anything? The whole entire world is declaring war on a tiny island with the strongest military leading the charge. You’re mad at the scouts for showing up when the founding Titan is the ONLY upper hand they have. You guys go straight to judgement (everyone is shitty) instead of empathy because you guys continuously make crazy generalizations about a show you don’t fully understand. You guys troll for a lot of the episodes, call every single detail silly and pretend you have the full story figured out based on random bits of spoilers you’ve seen online. If you guys don’t get the violence of the show and accept some of the anime tropes like levi/Mikasa saving the day or flashbacks revealing motives of characters by now I don’t know why y’all still watching. You guys have so much potential but instead go straight to shit like “Tybur Family = Jewish conspiracy.” And everything that does not hint at a Disney or Marvel I’m-the-woke-morally-superior-character-type ending or good guy bad guy ending y’all gotta bash it. Sometimes the circumstances in your life don’t allow moral decisions especially when it comes to survival. Not everything in the world is intended for a sensitive woke American audience. We’re in the 4th season and y’all seen what happened with Reiner and still don’t understand this very heavy theme of the show. Stop looking for fairy tale stuff in this show, it’s a show about humanity and survival, maybe you just don’t like this type of content so why put yourself and fans through that? Or perhaps go back to one of your earlier reactions in season 2 and 3 pt 2 and watch how silly y’all sound with your remarks during those seasons when you didn’t know what you know now, if y’all had some patience you would of picked up on more details. Haha anyway no hate, y’all are a lovely couple and seemingly likeable people, just sharing my experience watching you. I’m gonna go un-sub now but y’all take care of yourselves! Good luck with the rest of the series lol

Aaron Wittwer

It's not defending Willy to clarify what his goal/plan was. In the video it seemed like your take away was that he actually believed Eldians were spawn of the devil, but that's clearly not the case. There are millions of Eldians world-wide, and part of his plan is to make a martyr of this one Eldian internment zone to villainize the Paridisian Eldians and incur sympathy for the mainland Eldians so that when they wage their war, everyone is able to unite against that common enemy. It's not an ethical plan, and I don't think anyone thinks Willy is a good guy or that sacrificing all of these innocent people is justifiable. Even Willy acknowledges that what he is doing is an evil in itself. But his goal is ultimately to try to help Eldians.


No patience it seems, just like earlier seasons


Explaining motives and correcting wrong statements is “defending” actions for them.. hey Nerdy, how about maybe understanding the characters choices after incorrectly guessing it wrong (again) lmaoo

Russell Gambardella

Willy can be a confusing character to understand. To clarify, he does not hate Eldians despite the words he said to Magath. In that moment, he was both a bit overwhelmed knowing he has to die for his plan and also was a little frustrated as he was sensing sympathy from Magath who has constantly used Eldians' lives as tools. Willy's goal is to sacrifice himself (and innocent lives in Liberio) in order to get the world to unite against Paradis as he fears Paradis will use the rumbling to destroy the world. In other words, he is prioritizing the world's lives over Paradis and Eldian lives due to sheer numbers.


Willy's a pseudo humanitarian to me ,I think primarily he doesn't want his race,to ever attain power again. Agreeing with the Warhammer families beliefs and heritage Hates the island thinks they deserve it . Is willing to unite the world who he considers are good. Tragic Yes He is a pos.


It’s not a defense. It’s a reason. You guys are right about the Tyburs they are trash but they had reasons based on what’s happening in this world. Like Eren who attacked Marley for what they did to his home And whatever Gabi does, will be because of what Eren did to her home. The tyburs did what they did because it was easier use the worlds existing hate of all Eldians and turn it to the Eldians on Paradis island by the Eldians off the island have a tragedy happened to them cause by the “island devils”, than it would be to try and convince the world, who is hardheaded, to just stop hating all Eldians by speaking. Like Willy said, the only way the world will join Marley and the Eldians off the island to join them would be to have them all be a victim of the same tragedy. And Eldians relations off the island have improved significantly and seems that all they needed was one tragic event to steer the hate from all eldians to the Paradis Eldians. Look how we’ve gone from gate guards feeding a little girl to dogs cause she left a zone, to gate guards trying to stop Gabi from running into a warzone.


Look not all people are evil. There are good people and bad people on both sides, please stop try to generalize in on all people, by doing that you are now just like Marleyans, which is something that this show is trying to teach us. You have two bad nations but people from them aren't evil and don't want war. Yes now it seems like everyone is a bad guy and you don't like that, but honestly, do you think that you are the "good" guys, you are certainly not, almost no nation on this world is, I can probably name just like three that could fit that category. And also, remember cold war? Usa thought that russia was the enemy, Russia thought that usa was the enemy, but no one wanted to go to war and not everyone from those countries were evil. You can see it here as well, In Eldia you have Jean, Mikasa, Armin and others who are good, In Marley you have Magath, Pieck's panzer unit and some of the guards you so interacting with the kids. Magath already shown several times how he disagrees with almost everything that Marley is doing, just like now in Paradise you can see Jean and others also disagreeing with Eren and Floch with what they are doing. But when it comes to Willy, yes he was a piece of shit.

MBH 77

I think it’s just that you’re used to having the clear good side or character to root for against a clear bad side, I’m glad it isn’t like that, it’s conflicting but I understand where you’re coming from. Also give the show some time and you’ll eventually see what Eren’s friends and what the other scouts think of this.


I know I’m paying for there patreon because yes i do want to know what they think but sometimes they are so frustrating to watch… the world is fucking dark these ppl are so soft I dead sometimes think that the show offends them for some reason

Anna Kyruin

I just want to say, it's nice seeing you in the comments Nerdy even if it's because a lot of people are disagreeing with you ^_^. Hope you enjoy the rest of season 4.


Loving the reactions and following along, il just say you'll have a much better time not applying your real world morals to the world in the show. Imagine being a character in this world on either side or both and how your morals would form in this world. Also the cool animated fight scenes with scenarios that aren't actually happening in the real world, you can enjoy the carnage safely and no one is actually getting hurt because its a cartoon :P It'd be a really boring and pointless show if all they did was broker a peace agreement and The End, even if thats the outcome we would like in a real life scenario.


Why would brokering a peace be boring? You never seen The West Wing? That shit is RIVETING


I mean it could be if thats what the show was about, but this show is about violent titan creatures, I want to see their powers and epic anime fight scenes and how their existence effects the world we've been given haha. Its like Tarantino's Revenge movies, like yea revenge bad but the whole point of watching them is "what if history was this way also YEA FUCK EM UP" 😂

Mitchell Edward Newton

It's less about the violence as a whole and more that now it is more human vs human. Never found it worse than the earlier seasons, just the horror of the violence is different.


Kinda surprised actually at the comments here, feels like the a rehash of the last part of S3, I think y'all (the commenters here) need to take a step back too lol. They are watching this one at a time and then having a full discussion right after each episode, while a lot of us most likely binged watched it. So yeah, getting the big picture from just one episode will take time. We're all able to see the big picture, but their reaction makes sense if you have zero context of the show and are watching it for the first time like they are. I'm pretty confident that things will clear up as they progress through part 1 of Season 4. Like not in a spoilery sense but the things they are saying as their predictions of how the show is gonna unfold, I'm like "all right cool, season 4 will DEFINITELY be interesting for them haha".


You missed Mikasa saying 'Eren please come home' and I think you missed Jean yelling at Floch telling him to keep civilian casualties to a minimum

Eugene Conner

Reiner is a defense character.

Minerva Ravenclaw

Yea it sure would be more interesting if they actually reacted and felt connected to some of the characters, but it's their genuine and transparent reaction so yea. Ofc I don't agree with most of what they said but maybe in the future they'll change their minds.

Dane Fisette

People react realistically to what Eren is doing. He has some followers and he has people the oppose his actions. Just give it time.


I don't even agree with them most of the time but I watch their reactions and then read the replies and it's like the commenters watched a completely different reaction than I did. Their comments and questions are really not out of place or unusual, this was very commonplace while the anime was airing and while these events happened in the manga. I enjoy Attack on Titan but the fans sure are extremely annoying towards anyone who has even the mildest of criticism towards it.


why are people even watching a small reaction channel react to a show expecting them to react in a specific way only to get mad that they don't? I really don't get it. I personally watch reaction channels to see different perspectives so idk lmao.

Minerva Ravenclaw

You're right, although I have to say at first their reactions were more frustrating because they used to mock most characters and not pay attention to major scenes. But I can see now that they've changed their attitude and approach towards the show, which I can really appreciate, and makes me even accept their reaction although I do not agree with what they're saying. The main problem was the attitude but I'm glad they started s04 with a more open mind


I enjoyed watching your reactions even if I didn't agree with them, I feel like you definitely gave season 4 a fair shot. I think the show is gonna progress in a way you wont like, and I feel like you also suspected that during this reaction too. Do you think you'll be stopping the show at this point?


Well I like their attitude approach this season , so I ain’t complaining much yes they still criticize but they are more open minded to the show now I feel like .


Everybody hating Eldians and everybody coming together under Marleys flag to fight paradies are two very different things. Especially since Marley just fought a war against the allied eastern forces.


Willy is just tryna eliminate the threat from happening period , cuz if the rumbling does happen there’s nothing they can do . And the fact that it’s a possibility alone is already a MAJOR threat . I think your forgetting this is the whole WORLD at stake .Would you be just okay living Knowing that there are ppl who look like us can turn into titans and at any random day Titans from island can just step on you? You was just chilling at Burger King 🍔 then BOOM 🦶 👣 dead


It’s like when you playing Streetfighter or Mortal Kombat with ur lil bro , then unplug/turn off their controller and beat the shit outta dem . K.O ! FATALITY!


Not to mention it’s been over a 100yrs there are ppl whose probly nvr seen a Titan . I would have so many questions flying through my head quick just before I die bro 😭


Willy still sucks tho , and is a massive hypocrite, an eldian that everyone knows is an eldian living in luxury while all other eldians are prosecuted .


And Nerdy when you talk to Clarus please keep ur eyes on the screen. You be missing some conversations a lot and just let the show play out itself.


I think ya'll would enjoy vinland saga much more.


Well they can't just turn just with spinal fluid I prefer to look much of the perspective is the prejudice and generational hatred the Marleans hold and willfully

Dirt Birb

Its good to keep in mind that they go back through and edit these so things they may miss on first watch they often see while editing. I do admit its tough watching them miss key dialogue and then draw conclusions based on incomplete info, but getting someones fresh thoughts and opinions is kinda the whole point of reactions isnt it?


I know they need the spinal fluid 💉 but still it’s a Scary Thought that it can happen .


i don’t think it’s general knowledge to all people in the world of Aot. it’s hinted at during the battle at fort salva in S4Ep1 when gabi goes to stop the armored train and the soldiers in the machine gun post say “What if she’s eldian. Shoot her before she turns into a titan” implying they think eldians can turn at any moment

Frank Decker

agreed. This is not for them. From start to finish. Unless this how they react to every other show

Manifique Tae

that anime is a right call. understanding that show itself, beautiful scenery, able to discuss and enjoyable. also narrates in past like 19s where there life is just like aot not like saying they have everything like "bombing them"

ziel J



when is e7 coming out ?