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I'm not gonna lie, I forgot about this and dropped the ball. But the month is NOT yet over! Pick something by Friday from these four Ghibli Movie!

Also leave movies for June in the comments!



Princess Mononoke is so good and has influences in Breath of the Wild.


I have such a soft spot for Totoro.


I would recommend against posting anything Ghibli related on YouTube. They like their copyright strikes.


I am not surprised mononoke smashed this poll. But it's a shame Laputa doesn't get more love. Id love to see lupin, Nausica and Marnie on a Future Ghibli poll as well.

Daniel McClure

Princess Mononoke, this one of the greatest masterpieces of Hayao, Miyazaki, and Joe Hisaishi’s music from this movie is just inspiring


Princess Mononoke and Howl’s Moving Castle are my favourites so my vote is obvious 🫣

Joe G

Movie proposals for June: The Green Room Run, Lola, Run Marcel, the Shell with Shoes On Tucker and Dale vs Evil

Amber A

For June film suggestions, I push forward "Arrival" and "Winter's Bone". I also second anything from that Taylor Sheridan trilogy (Hell or High Water, Wind River, Sicario). If you're looking for something more light-hearted or funny, "Moonfall" is a natural disaster genre film that's so bad it's good, and really leans into that. "Tucker and Dale Versus Evil" is a great horror-comedy with Alan Tudyk and Tyler Labine. Best of luck with the Ghibli films, I've seen a bunch of channels run into issues with copyright strikes from them. Might be best to avoid posting on youtube with whichever film wins this one.


Drop Dead Gorgeous


Second for "Arrival" - it's very good. Strong recommend also for any of the movies in the Irish Folklore trilogy from Cartoon Saloon (Secret of Kells, Song of the Sea and Wolfwalkers). Animation style is very unique, and almost every frame looks like a work of art.


Any Satoshi Kon movies highly recommend perfect bule as a start


I totally second Wolfwalkers for June. Fantastic movie!

Sophie Bleasdale

Please consider watching Spirited Away


Movies (all sci-fi): Paprika (2006) The 13th Floor (1999) Dark City (1999) Predestination (2014) Ghost in the Shell (all of them)


Think Song of the Sea has a slight edge for me personally (maybe more relatable?), but Wolfwalkers is a very close second.


I know Ponyo won't win, I just feel it needed some love

Samuel Eng

i concur with this polling

Matsumoto Erkin

Maybe wrong place to comment but the curently airing show "Oshi No Ko" is a very different show from any show you are watching and is tye biggest hit in current shows that deals with a lot of topics in Entertainment industry so you may be interested watching with guaranteed views.

Joe G

Arrival is my single favourite movie of its category. I will ALWAYS be down for a reaction to that lovely beast.

Joe G

Suggestion for a theme for a future month's list: Guilty Pleasures (aka I know it's not great, but I just love it) - Next (2007) - Innocent Blood (1992) - Original Sin - Constantine - I, Robot - Resident Evil (2002)


Perfect bule, paprika, gost in the shell, ghost in the shell Innocent, Akira