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Does anyone read these?




Me too! lol



Brandon Duckett

Water Levels have risen, might have changed where the ocean now starts, idk.

matthew h

I was going to say the same thing about the ocean levels. As I recall, they show something about this in the opening and how the ocean has encroached on the land. And yes, I too read the text. :)

Kirby Glover

If you watch the shots of Earth in the opening, they show how much the water has risen and why they build the new island around Lady Liberty

T. Arnold Ferguson

As far as where exactly in NY is Bobby, my only advice id “let it go,”. I’s s fictionalized story in which sea levels have risen dramatically. Also, since it was filmed in Toronto,, the role of the ocean eas played by Lake Ontario. There has been a lot of discussion about where the exact location is supposed to be, but don’t let the distract you from the important elements of the story.

Deana DeWall

The Bobbie/ocean scene is still one of my favorites in the series. Shorter's music and the emotions washing over Bobbie's face always bring a tear to my eye. It was funny when Nerdy was going on about the ocean...that storyline isn't in the book because the UN is in The Hague, same as today. Love Cotyar, and am excited for u guys to get to know him better.


I think it says a lot about this show's writing that, without really changing any of the writing, only editing differently to shift the perspective and amount of screen time from Avasarala to Errinwright, that we could probably side with Errinwright just as easily as we side with Avasarala.

Shawn Anomaly

You nailed it about adult action/reaction. The one thing I can't stand about most shows/movies is the need to create the dumbest drama possible so that there's tension. This on the other hand the tension comes from a natural place and the characters respond like adults instead of like juveniles. Too many shows have 30, 40, and even 50+ year old people responding to each other and/or situations like they're damn 13 and it's annoying as hell to repeatedly see on screen.

Shawn Anomaly

As far as your reactions being repetitive the only thing I've noticed is basically what has happened to us all while watching this show. It's on a different level and it impressed all of us as we took the journey. I know I reacted in a repetitive way to each episode during my first watch through. I've seen other reactors repeating themselves as well as they just fall further and further in love and respect for the show and what it does! Everything else from you two has been nice to listen to as you two discuss what you've been hit with each episode! Looking forward to the next because it's only going to get wilder than what you two are ready for!

Aldo Cassola

Yes, the way you react to the show is often very similar episode to episode. From my end, it's fine: I like having my opinions reinforced as well as challenged. Also, the show is so consistently good that, hey, what else can one say? What I really enjoy are your discussions. I appreciate the way you approach the story and writing.

Bryce Carlson

All of the politicians are busy saying "nice doggie" while they look around for a bigger stick.

Bryce Carlson

There is no doubt that Errinwright knows what happened on Ganymede, however, he's looking for evidence that needs to be sequestered or can be used as leverage.

Bryce Carlson

Remember that Bobbie and the Marines regularly train at Earth-normal gravity.

G. T. Blackwell

Bear in mind that, in addition to the change in ocean level, Bobby escaped from her quarters at the Martian embassy and we don't know where that is in relation to the UN building.

Scott Fellows

Remember, in S2E04, Jules and Errinwright basically broke up. He told Errinwright that he needed to look for a new "Patron" to partner up with for protomolecule research. If not Earth... who else? And yes... Amos just told you a whole lot about himself.

Dan Pettit

I agree with the comments I've read. Your reaction and comments are fine, Clarus. In fact, I think you catch things faster than Nerdy. (Sorry, dude!) In this outro you said something like; "there may be more than one group of Mao's people working on different agendas." The guy Miller shot was working on a big picture question about the Protomolecule . What is it? What does it want? Why was it sent to our system? etc. They fed it some Martians on Phoebe and then 'sterilized' it when that went south. Then they upped the scale and fed it Eros - thinking they could sterilize that if it went south too. We know how that went. Apparently, Striickland is working on some other thing. As to the New York geography, I don't know. It might be explained in the books. Maybe the UN is not in the same location now? Also, the sea level has risen a lot by the 24th century. Look at the walls built around the Statue of Liberty and rest of the city.


I'm enjoying your reactions and they vary enough to maintain interest -- especially enjoy the post-show commentary. This is actually a tough show to do real-time-no-stoppage reactions, because it's so dense. I've noticed a number of times you guys get excited and talk about a scene, only to talk over important dialogue ... because the show don't stop! (I hope when you do that you're reading the subtitles.) On the whole, it's quite fun to see you go through the journey that so many of us have been on ...... it's like rewatching a great show with strangers who live down the street in Canada. And there's so much good stuff yet to come. Cheers.

Samuel Eng

reminds me of, Madam Secretary, the show started so strong Téa Leoni's character is so intelligent but either a while its like the only way to make her still seem smart is to make everyone else incredibly stupid

Samuel Eng

i love their reactions, its so genuine which is great. some reactors (not naming names) is like formulaic reactions.

Tom M

Roma (the chicken guy) is just a perfect guy to show how much of the social order on the station has collapsed - a security person with possibly one of the most boring jobs on the station suddenly in a position of (close to) absolute power. I really like how he is introduced - a desperate father tells about him revealing that the guy is essentially a scum, a desperate woman begging for food and finally the happy guy himself. And he is sooooo sure of himself. Amos shows him how fragile his power can be. Because when social order is collapsing a bad/any guy can always expect someone even worse coming to get him. Fortunately Amos is on our side... Thanks for reminding me how strong the show is in the slower episodes, especially when adult people are talking to each other. In recent sf/fantasy series only Andor made me feel this way, though I've heard that Silo might be interesting. Compared to that big promises of a LOTR show, the Foundation or what is happening with the Witcher right now is a string of anger iducing disappointments. Prax. The character is only introduced and it already becomes a favourite? No surprise. The Expanse is very efficient in making characters feel real. It is crazy that it is possible... again Andor comes to mind, where something similar somehow was possible. Amazing how great writing, acting (and casting) works. Also the scene with Bobbie Draper sitting on a dirty beach watching polluted ocean somehow still feels so beautiful. The actress, who is a boxer and playes a fucking Martian Marine still somehow manages to convey this... innocence of an awestuck child. Damn, I like the scene so much. In retrospect it also has a deeper meaning, but... no spoilers. Outstanding music helps with everything, as always. Take care!

Michael Bryson

It's sad you don't pay attention during the Intro, if you did you would notice that it changes as the story progresses.

Adam Pacio

Nerdy, I'm with you. I love the romance of Bobbie sitting and looking out at the ocean, but unfortunately even if we assume that she walked from the UN to Battery Park before finding a storm drain that leads directly to a south-facing harbor view, that view of an endless water horizon is not possible. "But the oceans rose." Yes, but looking south from Manhattan you're going to see Governor's Island on your left, and the Statue of Liberty off to your (extreme) right. And in the very first episode, Crisjen is taken to a UN Black Ops site on Governor's Island so we know that any solution holding back the sea for Manhattan also is preserving Governor's Island still above the waves. And we know from every opening sequence ever that there's a seawall built around Liberty Island. So Nerdy is 100% correct. The scene as shot is a continuity error -- but it's still a pretty scene and the lack of continuity detracts nothing from the story or the character arcs. No biggie, and good on Nerdy for calling it out. (For me the giveaway was that there was a white sand 'beach' around the wall that was too narrow to drive the trucks on which you'd need to use to keep dumping the sand every season, because the current of the Hudson, the East River, and the Harbor will just wash that away each and every month. The other continuity error around Manhattan that sorta irks is the question about how they're protecting Manhattan. The opening credits and the seawall around Liberty Island suggest a seawall that is directly around the island itself, but that would mean that the sea level was permanently higher than street level so the drain pipe wouldn't even exist at street level. And of course, the better solution is to use seawalls at choke points around all of NYC, at the entrance to the harbor itself at the edge of the Atlantic, and the Long Island Sound. If you do the Dutch-style seawalls out there, then they essentially maintain the water level where it is now, which means the sea walls in the opening credits around the Statue of Liberty wouldn't be needed because they're in the same harbor being maintained at the lower water level. Anyway. Just the weird places brains wander to when uncommonly specialized knowledge (being a resident of Manhattan) bounces you out of the suspension of disbelief randomly for things that no one else cares about. I get it, Nerdy. You were right.


Who gives AF where she actually is in NY? you miss the meaning it has for Bobbie, thats what I wanted your reaction to. Cool, you know Manhattan, most of us don’t, and It has zero relevance to the scene. Good stuff keep ‘em coming,🍻

stuart greenley

Nerdy = Let's Go!, 1000% Clarus = just smiles. Nerdy, love the comment about morally Grey, it super frustrates me that a villain character can do something bad and reactors are opposed and disgusted, but a show's main hero character can do the exact same thing and people are like, ah it's different and they had it coming....... drives me nuts! Dan's comments above are 1000% 😉, Clarus is super sharp most of the time! Ya Ya, I like you too Nerdy ......lol

Jonny shaw

That piece of music is one of the best in the show. It always seems to be used in deep, emotional experiences from the character's point of view. Shorter has made a score worthy of rivaling Howard Shore's Lord of the Rings in my opinion. The music is used to perfection in every scene.

Jonny shaw

Frankie Adams isn't just a boxer, she was on Shortland Street (New Zealand's version of Coronation Street except in a hospital) since she was about 16. Prax is easily top 5 characters for me to be honest, especially Terry Chen's portrayal of him.


Nerdy, not sure why you would think that the UN building, 300 years in the future, being the site of world's government, would be in the exact same place in NY as today. Also, if you pay attention to the intro, you can see how much the ocean levels have risen making the shoreline unrecognizable.


I have not found you two to be repetitive at all. Saying how good the show/episode was is just a fact. Other than that, I am enjoying the theories you come up with and I wish I could watch the show for the first time along side you. I can’t wait for you guys to get to season 3.


AoT gets multiple episodes a week. What do we do to get the same for The Expanse? :)

Amber A

Great reaction! I wouldn't say you're very repetitive. You do sing the show's praises a bit consistently (and the show earns that, of course), but otherwise, it's pretty fresh each time, and it's nice to see folks who are better versed in the behind the scenes stuff react to this, and both of you have great attention to detail. I've watched this series probably 7 or 8 times over, and you all have helped me notice a few things I haven't before, and that's always a fun surprise. Happy you're enjoying season 2 as much as you are, I'm looking forward to you both enjoying the ride


I love how intense you get during super important dialogue (Errinwright reveals what he knows to Chrisjen!). I'm not bothered at all about the "ocean view" which I know to be Lake Ontario (I live near the south shore and it often looks just like that!). Seeing landmarks you expect would just have detracted from what Bobbie is perceiving which is her first ever view of an "ocean"! The next three episodes are on fire so I am really looking forward to these!!


Why is Mars' obviously untrue version of the story they had Bobbie tell showing Mars as at fault?

Joe G

My best guess is that they want to hush it up and think that being the only ones who know a small amount of the truth is worth the cost. And/or it's easier to cover up involvement if the people motivated to dig deeper are the ones you have control over.

Nathan Lehenbauer

[SPOILER WARNING FOR THE NEXT FEW EPISODES]: Because they are, The attack was a weapons demonstration. Mao is selling to both Earth and Mars. The Martian admiral is trying to cover it up.