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love the reaction guys!!! can't wait for the next ones !!

Minerva Ravenclaw

Yes thank you for understanding that Eren's actions should not be accepted... Unlike those extreme fans who worship him 🤦🏻 I think he's a great character especially now in s04 but he's the devil


Correction, u can only use founding titan powers by being in contact with another titan that HAS royal blood

Daniel McClure

These two amazing reactors are in for a real treat you guys are going to have fun in next the 10 episodes lol


Also this was my favorite episode in part 1 by far. But their perspectives make sense tbh, I think it’s more about the presence of a given narrative tbh

Minerva Ravenclaw

But I mean this is reality 😅 human history shows us how much humanity relies on violence. There are good people ofc but overall look at our history... Violence and war are inevitable. Yea the story is showing that but also it has a message. Gabi is an important character and has one of the best character arcs in the story. I understand that maybe you like stories where people are black and white maybe I don't know, but here most characters are morally grey which makes it very interesting and then maybe consider it a new experience...

Minerva Ravenclaw

Yea I don't think they are. But it's ok it's a new perspective for the fans. They probably don't like this type of narrative were things and characters are complex. Clarus just said she prefers different storytelling


I thought it was clear from WIll's speech that what Marley was trying to do was invade and kill off the Eldians and take the Founding Titan? In that sense, Eren is perfectly justified in doing what he needs to do by attacking them first. Eren even waited until the end of Will's speech to confirm this conclusion where its directly stated that they're trying to wipe out the "devils" of Paradise, meaning that every Eldian will be caught in genocide, subjugation, or slavery with the exception of the Tyburs if Marley took control. The ship has already long sailed on Marley hating and fearing the Eldians 'more' due to Eren attacking here so I'm puzzled as to why you're wondering about his motivation in attacking 'innocent' bystanders. It's literally a kill or be killed situation and they're already in war. Eren is perfectly understandable here and justified.

Daniel McClure

Eren is not the Devil he is just a young boy who watched his mother be eaten and never healed from the event. He is what he was in the first episode where he said, I will exterminate them all he is vengeance in its purest form unrelenting unyielding no mercy no apologies just moving forward to kill his enemies. It’s that simple.

Daniel McClure

So his motivations are very clear


they had 4 episodes to get close to the new characters, they forgot about Eren's mom, levis team, and hundreds of scouts/Eldians dead because of marley

Hamza Jirrari

Historia must be turned into a titan to activate the founding titan power and eren didn't tell them because he cares about historia and he don't want her to be a titan


One of the best writing eps of aot in my opinion and one that I've ever seen ,everything is a rollercoaster of emotions from revelation , to regret to disbelief to hope to despair to tragedy. Everything here needed to be set up just right for it to work ,Altho the nezt two eps are better ,it was heartbreaking seeing u go from 3 seasons wanting hope to seeing it flash down for ur characters implicitly before ur eyes as the world becomes convinced this is for the best ,to have other countries abroad that hate you deciding your fate it's so easy to dissociate from those they've been taught to , to feel like they are the good guys vs you. Here we have the tragedy of people at the top(willy) but not only that. Also the eldians from 100 years ago we're part of eldia and Great Titan war they were probably imperialists and would have continued to be so if they didn't have their memories wiped that's why the 145th King Karl Fritz did what he did. But the rest of the world still there everyone else would want to get revenge on the now powerless eldians (which they have been as we see)that's why the king fled he was grieved wanted some artificial peace.


lol.. they are going to hate the next few episodes

Aaron Wittwer

I was pleasantly surprised that they were generally enjoying the previous few episodes, but it kind of seems like we are sliding back to where we were in the first 3 seasons. Making a lot of assumptions based on nothing and then getting angry about the implications of those assumptions. And a lot of pre-judgment about where they think the story is headed (right or wrong). Here's hoping they can pull back a little and just let the show play out a bit before cementing those judgments. It felt like they were trying to meet the show on it's own terms for the past few episodes in a way they had previously resisted, but this one feels like they are letting that approach slip away a bit.

Minerva Ravenclaw

I was honestly watching their reactions to House of the dragon, few days ago and I was baffled by how they let many inconveniences slip their minds ... I kept remembering how they treated AOT and it was totally different, it's like double standards at its best. But still I'm enjoying these reactions it's interesting to witness this very "unique" approach


just so you know. They have generals coming up with plans on how to attack Paradise, it's been established for like 4 episodes that other people than the Tyburn are pulling the military strings. Also he's trying to get other countries on board and you expect them to come up with plans on the get go because of....???? Titan shifters have SOME memories from their previous owners. keyword is SOME. I don't know how you think that they got CLEAR memories of everyone prior to them. YMIR was asking Reiner and Bertholdt about Marcel because she could only remember PARTS of his memories. It's been established. Porco also mentioned Ymir's memories but only vaguely. Only Eren had LIVED through his memories and he's the only one to have live this experience (spoilers there, it's not a plot hole) This show's formula of how to expose hints is: They establish a rule that occurs almost everywhere but there's one exception that feels too uncanny then boom surpriiiiiise there was a reason for this anomaly. But you guys take the anomaly as the world logic and ignore the already established rule that this world is communicating. ??????????


I get where you are coming from, but it doesn't matter if what Eren does makes the world hate eldians more or not. War has already been declared against his people, there is no stopping it now.

Dane Fisette

I think you guys will love this season if you can let go of the need for a protagonist/antagonist lol. Just saying, from here on out you won't be getting either. You will feel like you agree but disagree with everyone because you understand everyone's motives

Dane Fisette

You will understand Aaron so much more towards the end of the season (that doesn't mean you will agree with him though. The dinner episode is one of my faves though

Dane Fisette

I just hope when you guys finish you can look back at some of the episodes and realize they have some of the best writing in television history.


They where too focused on how they built the underground trap that they ignored Willy declaring war


Willy wanting the world to side with means he has a better chance to beat paradis militarily.( Marley is already way bigger than paradis but he wants more assurance ) Could they defeat the rumbling ? I don't know but the point is that it's a way better chance than just the warriors and Marley, at getting to Paradise before parodies can somehow start the Rumbling.Also we realize the Marley's foundation the marlean hero Helios was just a lie and propaganda.Think of the rumbling as if a small nation is now nuclear capable , especially one with history you hate , Nerdy is correct there's not tens of millions of collosals but prob likes 500k- 1 mil which is still enough ,


How is the rumbling dangerous? Lol there’s tens of millions of colossal titans in the walls. That’s wasn’t a lie. That’s true. Colossal titans like Bertholdts Titan. Tens of millions of them, can be brought outside of the walls and just walk.


So the thing about Eren controlling titans, the only time Eren had the ability to use the power was when he was in contact with a TITAN of royal blood. In his mind, he thinks that the military will force Historia to become a titan so he can get the powers that may or may not work. There’s not enough information on how the power works for him to put Historia at risk.


I am not saying Eren is right in this but you have to remember that he waited until the end of the speech, Marley declared the war first. Marley was going to do the same thing if he hadn't done this.


I wouldn't have put the warning on this episode. The next one, though...

Peter Mikolajewski

I love that they were full meme with the naming after the screw up. The final season, the final part, part 1. I don't think you really understand what's happening Nerdy - Marley wants the founding titan to control the collossals to destroy their enemies on the continent, and get access to Paradise's natural resources. Eren running away won't change anything, Marley has decided to kill everyone on Paradise, all this is just a show so that Marley's enemies on the continent join Marley to kill everyone, while Marley sneakily takes control of the titans and the island. Although I commend Nerdy for understanding that King Fritz is a piece of crap. Why did Eren make it worse? That's like asking why, if the Allied forces attacked Nazi Germany before they completed their militarization - why are they making things worse? Marley is the one on the warpath, and they've been on this path for years preparing to attack and murderer everyone on Paradise. Should Eren have waited till Eldians on Paradise are being bombed and killed before fighting? Should the civilian deaths be on Paradise Island during the initial conflict instead of in Marley?

MBH 77

Can’t lie, it seems like Clarus and Nerdy have switched positions. Nerdy actually seems like he’s trying to like the show whereas Clarus doesn’t seem like she’s as on board.


Tbh I think Nerdy has always liked the show more than Clarus. In any case, it’s nice to see different perspectives

MBH 77

Hmm you might be right actually. Nerdy said he didn’t like s3 p2 very much but still rated it a 7/10. I thought he would rate it 3/10. I think what he says about that show makes it seem like he dislikes it more than he actually does.


clarus seems to have this very aggressive 'im smarter and better than this show and its fans who love it' attitude and gets caught up in her assumptions so much that it takes away from the actual show and its a bit jarring because like, her mind is already clearly made up so she doesnt care about trying to enjoy moments in it

Mitchell Edward Newton

Don't worry, everyone roasts the season titles. It's more about how much more ridiculous they can get at this point lol Also every person who inherits one of the nine titans inherits the memories of the previous owner. That's why Eren see's his dads, not a founder power. Others can do the same, like Zeke.

MBH 77

Yh I’ve noticed that too. Last episode when she was like “this show isn’t as good as what people say” or “doesn’t stand on its own two feet” made me roll my eyes a bit. The things is, I don’t remember her being like this before s3 p2.

Aaron Wittwer

Sort of. It doesn't seem as though they get all of the memories in a brain blast all at once, but they do get peaks into memories sometimes. It seems like they have access to the memories but need something to push them to actually remember those memories. Like Armin, for instance, never really seems like he's accessed much in terms of Bertholdt's memories. And other Titans have their memories jogged in certain moments that I can't reference without spoilers.


Finally, you are like literally the only people who get this. It is all Fritz's fault, I have been telling this the whole time, he messed everything up for future generations on all sides. And yes Willy and Eren are both pieces of shit. You will understand why rumbling is a big risk, it is connected to the power of the founding titan. And the power of the founding titan is WAY more powerful than the power of regular colosal titan.


Not the 145th King Karl Fritz he did the world a favor by taking down the eldian empire. But the eldians 100 years ago were very imperialist so


He maybe had good intentions but because how he wanted to resolve the issue we now 100 years later are in a situation where it is almost impossible to get out of. If he didn't do it we would now have more options how to deal with this global situation than how it is resolved in anime. I don't really wanna talk about it cause spoilers but the real problem why Paradise devils are threat to rest of the world is because they were isolated from the world for 100 years.


But he needed to erase their memories, and they probably would have gotten killed or enslaved if he had just left them in the mainland.

L8er Bìtch

Okay just to clear somethings up for you guys, the Jaegerists and "Eren did nothing wrong" thing is a meme, no one actually agrees with Eren, and you'll know why it's a meme once you get to the later episodes of the season of the show, secondly, yes Eren's change in character will be explained in true attack on Titan fashion lmao, through flashbacks, and imo, he's the best written character in fiction (this is just my opinion, not saying it's true, cos obviously I haven't seen all of fiction) But yeah, just a fair warning, the show gets very dark from this point on, way more than anything we've seen this far, that's why the warning was there on this episode, it wasn't really for the episode, but for the rest of the show moving forward.


I wish it were true that nobody actually agrees with Eren but there are unfortunately A LOT of people who unironically do.


Eren needs to touch a "Titan with Royal Blood"


Yeah... Titans looking at their previous users' memories is a bit inconsistent. Galliard mentioned that he saw Ymir's memories of Reiner on the island, but Armin only got a vague sense of how Bertholdt felt after gaining the Colossal. For some reason, Eren didn't see anyone's memories at all between gaining the titan injection from his dad and Historia/Rod touching his back; it's wildly different per person, probably just because the system hadn't been totally fleshed out by the time it was first written in. However, specifically in the case of using the Founder's powers, Eren (or any other non-royal with the Founding Titan) needs to make use of a royal Titan. The reason for this is currently unknown.


Titan shifter‘s memories need to get a hint/push, to get those memories. Eren got his first chunk of memories because he was in the cave and touched Rod (and Historia), because his dad. The second part got unlocked by reading Grisha‘s diary. Porco got Ymir’s memories because Reiner actually told him about the stories. Armin got his a bit of memories because he knew Bertold and they had a conversation about his feeling.


I love how AOT always spans such much discussion on the comments


Clarus you can stop watching any ep now no one's forcing you to ( I hope). originally you said you thought the show didn't have anything anything say now it does have what a lot of people consider interesting but so now it also can't be be a negative outlook in human philosophy got it. It can't be too plot driven either only character driven .People write stories to be empathiszeable to humans that includes the mentality that world can be cruel and unforgiving unfair. You like csm using dark disturbing obcene mechanisms to critique hedonism yet get angry at aot for doing to same but will well complex tragedy towards a more multi faceted things (which you know prior because you were spoiled that's its an anti war show which is supposed to be one of the mysteries of the show). Btw csm prob has partial inspiration from aot in the same type swift change of pace ( I see this from episode 5 of aot to csms gunfire ep )


Yeah she seems so uninterested now. At least Nerdy still seems onboard and even passionate at times, which is great! I wouldn't mind if Nerdy instead just continued without her, she barely even contributes anything in the end discussions except when nerdy brings up some critique then she just agrees. And the way she just says everyone in the world sucks, just completely untrue but whatever. I don't know why she's forcing herself to watch it.


What you guys seem to not understand at all is that Eldians have committed all those atrocities 100 percent and what king fritz did was actually realize that until there is this superior race that can turn themselves into the titans whenever they want and they will always use that to dominate everyone else, so what king fritz actually did was to try and take that away from the world and leave others in peace, which of course never happened. But in his mind this was the best thing to do cuz all the horrors his people did turned him into pacifist, as Historia said destructive pacifist. Yes there are similarities to Jews of course, but unlike the real history here Eldians had actually done horrific things to the world. So unless you overcome thst mindset, it’s better to just stop watching and don’t just do it for views


the fact you spend so long focusing on small stuff like why the hole was there is the exact reason this show is bad for you guys, you get hung up on the stupidest things.