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And so the chimaera through line takes a sharp and considerable left turn.

Brandon Duckett

We ALL were waiting for this episode.

Justin Broadbent

Ishval is very important to the story in Brotherhood. Also the og follows the manga for like 10ish episodes if I remember correctly. So Brotherhood is the most canonical version.

Dario Schiller

looking at the episode number: "oh no no no"


In so far as I was waiting to skip to the discussion yes. Watching it once was traumatizing enough


LOL Clarus being on the verge of breaking into tears while simultaneously laughing at Nerdy's realizations and reaction, while Nerdy himself is in shock at what is happening on screen, pretty much encapsulates episode 4. As most people usually comment, uhhh, welcome to Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood :D.


It’s a heartbreaking moment but I think it hits harder in the 2003 version. We see Nina a lot more in it before this happens

Vincent G

I have every hope that we will see some full on tears later on in this series. This show has moments in it that never fail to make me cry.

Ghengis Don

The show absolutely matures as it progresses and, as you've mentioned, it's easy to forget that Ed and Al are 15 and 14, respectively, for the majority of the show.

Lars G

The first few episodes are much more episodic, but the connective tissue is that they're essentially chasing rumors looking for a philosopher's stone, which they hope to use to regain their bodies. I think they largely relied on the audience being mostly familiar with the premise, and they didn't want to redo a bunch of episodes that had been done before. Fortunately, the larger story picks up pretty quickly with Scar being introduced.


I wouldn't say it was a pity killing at the end, yes there is pity there but it was more of a mercy killing. There was no way for them to be returned to normal and the rest of their lives they would be subject to experimentation and a miserable life as a chimera with no comprehension of why all of this stuff is happening. It didn't seem Nina was aware of what had happened to her which makes it even worse. So rather than have them go though that he spares them the misery and says a prayer to welcome their souls into heaven. Not that that makes it too much better but it never struck me as pity as much as mercy.

Jackie Miles

The worst episode 😢🤧😡😭

Samuel Eng

Dont worry the episodes all kinda connect together but yeah... tough episode


I like ep4 following ep 3 a lot because of how it tackled the religion vs science dichotomy. The previous episode dealt with the dangers of religious extremism and sectarian drifts and this episode dealt with the dangers of blind and inhumane pursuit of scientific progress

Quark's Bar

Clarus's face leading up to the reveal. Priceless 👌

Aaron Wittwer

These first few episodes are really them just rushing through all the stuff that was covered in the first adaptation. As a result, they are some of the weakest episodes in the show, and don't feel representative of the show as a whole. They make it feel much more episodic than it actually is. Things start to get much better in the next few episodes.


I think this may be a result of serialized storytelling becoming the norm. We used to have entire shows that had a vague central goal and then every episode is the characters having some kind of wacky adventure that may or may not relate in any way to that goal. For hundreds of episodes.


love the unhinged simultaneous laughing/crying

Connor Crain

Every convention I’ve ever been to has had a tshirt or poster of Nina and the dog doing the dragon ball fusion dance and I both love and hate it lol

Joe Potter

When I first saw this, I wondered if this was perhaps Roy Mustang's ploy, that he suspected that Shou Tucker hadn't told the full story and needed someone "on the inside" to get the details, not realizing the full extent of his crimes.


The goddess is Nina pre or post chimerization? :[


I hope they at least played with Nina before they left.