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Sync up for tea with Verin!




Ah I couldn’t remember if this was this book or the next.

Samuel Eng

oh boy... going to have to mentally prepare myself for this one, one of my fav moments

Quark's Bar

Pouring one out for the baddest lady in Randland. What a chapter.


Being able to tell Verin is dead because the guard can't feel her there anymore is an interesting thought. The only issue I can see with that is how many channelers are in the Tower. I'm not sure if you have to consciously try to feel for someone who can channel, or if you have to consciously try to block it out.

Samuel Eng

Verin is one of those rare characters that is soo good at the end that elevates her presence in past books.


One of my favorite chapters of the entire series!!! Love Verin!!!


Buckle up. You're in the end game now.


You say Verin gets one of the best moments in the series but really, she just gets what she deserves :)

Quark's Bar

It def elevates, but she was already one of the coolest characters in the series before the reveal. It's fun to remember how much the "what's verin up to" theories dominated the internet when the books were still being written. I do agree with you that she is insanely fun on re-reads after this chapter though.


I'll ask if they're reconsidering Min for MVP on Friday. (Not that she isn't--just that Verin is a worthy challenger.)

Christopher Michael Porter

Never made it here the first time i read the series back when i had to wait a year for each book. Glad you two were there, otherwise would not have been motivated to finish. Or to do a re-read of the series.